
Right there with you! Mayo and Ketchup on my burger please! sometimes...JUST those two...

Mac and Cheese: Kids love mac and cheese. If you told one of my kids “hey, I’m making Shells and Cheese!” there would be a full-on revolt.

GRBmom took it a step further...she didn’t wrap Santa gifts until she figured out that we knew about Santa. Then she started wrapping them up...

I got hired on as a Production Assistant at a Fox affiliate for $18k......in 1993. $18k now for a professional basketball player is unbelievable given the amount of money flowing into the NBA.

While I hate the term “living wage”...way too vague...what D-League players are getting paid is beyond awful. I had no idea they were paid so little. Even Minor League baseball players get a decent signing bonus or something. but $18-26k is below what I’d hire an entry-level computer tech at...

Funny, kid was in Columbus for less than 24 hours and gets cited for posession...with two upperclassmen in the car with him.

see, this is when you know you’re a real parent...

I had to actually convince my wife that PB doesn’t need to be refrigerated... my Brother-in-law stll won’t budge..

Never gave my kids the option... “I don’t want to eat the crust”... me: fine...starve then. (father of the year)

Oh, and for the record, I had the same reaction to Leia in Star Wars... strong female character and leader. Never saw it as unusual, never thought twice about how out of the ordinary it was...

Don’t really recall anyone saying to boycott TFA because of “feminist propaganda”...or...not anyone of note anyway. Our “new media” of blogs and click-bait brings out all sorts of crazy, but how many of those articles are legit?

I’m with you...I really, REALLY enjoy driving, and consider myself a fairly competent one...as much as someone can be. BUT...as I’m getting older and the distractions get more pervasive I am embracing the newer emerging technologies that could help make our roads/highways safer. I’m all for new innovation. The more

There you go... that’s much better

Agree completely, I had professors in grad school do the same thing...open a question that could easily take 5K-7k words and give us 1000 to cover it. Brutal exercises, but helpful in the long run.

Can we take out animated scenes from any “shot on film” list forever? These are composed synthetically...you can just make it whatever you want.

The Shining... iconic shot...

*searches list for stuff I watch*

Why? We don’t and never have been a pure democracy. We’ve been the most stable representative government in the history of the world and continue to be... why would we change our stable government to fit the mold of unstable governments of history?

Abraham Lincoln.

Good thing the United States isn’t a pure Democracy then, huh? Did you even take a Civics class?