
Good point...

ONIONS! Did some kabobs this weekend (separated) and holy WOW were the burnt onions amazing...

the game is usually the “add-on” for the weekend spent at the induction ceremony. I would be pissed too...those tickets aren’t cheap and the extra night hotel/food/transportation/etc...

...and will demand James Harrison pay a fine.

I started gasping when the chase vehicles were showing padding on TREES!!

Ditto... “Oh, no...she just got killed” is exactly what I said out loud watching it....

i know...I’m a monster

The larger question I have is “From what cable/satellite company did they lose the most subscribers?” Verizon? Comcast? DirecTV?

Have to disagree on the fish sticks, man. I still sneak a few when I make ‘em for the kids...

Pizza Rolls are the GRB household’s go-to meal on Christmas Eve... The whole bag...

The answer is “yes”...

Gonna have to differ with you on Florida being tough to invade. Well, maybe. Four major military installations in the panhandle is about all there is. Once past that (and no, there aren’t any military installations between Panama City and Jacksonville...so the middle is wide open) there really isn’t anything until you

“Blue Laws” were originally that nobody had to work on Sundays...because CHURCH! When that started going by the wayside, it didn’t happen all at once, and the alcohol sales was the last to be broached. Kind of a “Yeah, we’ll let you sell charcoal and ribs, but you ain’t sellin’ beer you heathen!”

The price of a product is the maximum the public is willing to pay. If the public wasn’t willing to pay for it, the companies would cut the cost to meet the (lack of) demand.

Having just returned from the Nicaraguan interior (read: rain forest and mountain regions) where they have no power, water or sewer...I can assure you that internet access is pretty far down the list of “needs”

Not exactly... it costs money to provide internet services, therefore you must pay for said service.

Having grown up in the deep south, lived in Ohio and now Pennsylvania...I concur with your assessment.

Agreed...and there’s a difference between keeping the shrubs “tidy” and going all scorched earth lookin’ like a 12-year old...

The saddest part is that Universities are in on the game too. Having formerly worked at a major university I can tell you that many graduating seniors are just as functionally stupid.

Need more Gators on the PGA tour courses...