

You shot your wad on Raisin Brrrraaaaains...

The rest are just ok, but Jackie Sherrill castrating a bull before playing Texas is pretty damn epic...even if they did fail to follow-through...

That's phenominal +1900 to you

"NOOOOOOOO" - Florida Gators fans

There have been many threads attempting to explain this dynamic. It boils down to a couple of factors:

Yes, Samsung outsells Apple in terms of phones, but in the article you linked, the author writes that Samsung makes multiple variants of the same phone. Apple makes (at best) two. That's the same argument that Apple uses to claim they sell more personal computers than anyone else. Technically, that may (or may not

Android isn't a device, it is an operating system. Compare actual models...

Jimbo: "Jameis, you're suspended, you can't play..."

Apparently...we had Florida history... that's REALLY fun :eyeroll:

+1 Slowclap

WINNER !! +1

Welcome to the "new media"... TMZ broke this story, Drudge broke the Lewinsky story. The larger media outlets (read: "traditional") have vested interests in NOT bull-dogging this type of information. The smaller, seedier companies like TMZ and Drudge are doing the legwork that the old guard used to do...Deadspin is

I may be in the grand minority on this one, but I use the cheap Purdy rollers and just throw 'em out when done. I've found that I really can't tell much of a difference between them and the really expensive ones...and to be honest, I like using them better. NEVER foam though...

Skim the walls with drywall mud. Put a light sand to it and go to town...

I'm a regular NFL watcher and a HUGE football fan. I will no longer be watching any NFL games (or other productions for that matter) until heads roll on this. I'm not talking about Ray Rice either.

They would look great and yes, I certainly do want to do that...just not in the budget yet...

We did granite tile and it looks absolutely amazing. Yes, it does require that you pay careful attention to detail, and yes, there are grout lines, but it is a rather high end countertop for very little money.

Not stupid...really smart by the SEC Network. They put a big game on to kick off their network. They forced the hands of the cable companies. Had they put Ole Miss vs. Boise State...nobody would have cared.

correct... defense does win championships... The SEC's defenses were overrated for years because of bad QB play. That's not the case now. Wasn't the case in the early 90's when Spurrier arrived at Florida. The Gators lit it up...