
Don't boil those poor potatoes...you boil OUT all the flavor!

WINNER!! Be a man, pull the grill up to the door, stand in front with beer in hand and GRILL!

Yeah, fight the MAN!!... because nothing bad ever happens at house parties where teenagers get hammered...

Ditto...I was told to just use baking soda and mouthwash...er rinse

Watch your back...often times counter offers are done to hold you there just long enough to find your replacement. Not every time, but it does happen... a lot

You know what, sometimes you just gotta get it off your chest...

Renter's insurance is a pretty good investment. I recall that mine was fairly cheap (monthly) and when our landlord would threaten damages, we didn't have to worry about it too much.

Don't spend a ton of money on Christmas presents for the first two to three years...the kid will NEVER know. Get them stuff from garage sales and second-hand stores. I know it sounds crass...but really, that $5,000 Barbie Kitchen will sit unused for 6 months, used marginally for about 2 weeks, then will be in the

That's a southern thing... it stems from Coca-Cola being headquartered in Atlanta, invented in Columbus, GA and financed all over the South through sales of stock...before the company was really huge.

I think, for me, that's the reason I'm still on the iPhone. I'm an IT professional, but at the end of the day, my phone is still a phone and I need it to be a phone. I like what the iPhone offers without having to customize this, that or the other thing. Everybody is different and I know a lot of people like to

You could always set a "hot corner" to disable sleep/screensaver... on the mac anyway... that way you wouldn't have to rely on the computer to accurately interpret your actions.

I want value. I want to get the best ROI. I'll freely admit that I'm a Mac guy for personal use, but I use a Dell Optiplex at work. My new 3010 SFF with dual 23" monitors was a steal at just over a grand. It is fast, stable and should serve me well for 4-5 years...that's a damn good value.

um... ok?

Yeah, ok...

You mean that Galaxy S3 that has a sculpted back and wide-ass screen? Yeah, that Blackberry with hard edges looks JUST LIKE THAT... thanks for pointing out my stupidity

+1 Totally agree on the 2nd part...but most NBA guys could have been Globetrotters... LeBron is, athletically speaking, in a league of his own..

Yes, get Te'o "on the record" as saying... "No Comment"... there, journalistic integrity has been restored!

Looks like an iPhone 5

I would agree...but that's really not much different from College FB where the officials determine what needs to be reviewed "from the booth." I just like the way the NBA, NFL and CFB do things where the officials will voluntarily determine what needs to be reviewed. Not a coaches "challenge"....

Slow news day huh?