
Pardon me?

You can have two things.

I loved Inspector Gadget, although I probably had very little in the way of judgement when I was seven.

I work with a bunch of people in their early twenties, and I hear these words all day, every day.

I read the script for Balderdash, but it was a bunch of nonsense.

Also, Cat Power.

Drake was in Wheels Ontario?

I think they have Fargo already.

I just started it, having finished the first two in the last couple of weeks.

Liked, for Amish dowager.

Something something has ways to shut that whole thing down.

"There's a new daddy in town; a discipline daddy!"

That was beautiful.

Pale Fire - Vladmir Nabokov
Sailor Song - Ken Kesey
The Brief and Frightening Reign of Phil - George Saunders
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Slaughterhouse Five - Kurt Vonnegut