Ryan E

It's nice to see you didn't hate it! I loved this episode mostly and the scene with Huck broke my heart. And it was sad to also see how Abby blames herself for what Olivia did. I liked the episode overall… the only character who I can't take right now os Cyrus. There's more gray to Rowan's character these days.

I'm sorry! I wonder why this show keeps taking reviewers out… Anyway I didn't hate this episode or the episode before.. really the past few have been decent to good (for me anyway)… I think a lot of viewers want the same thing… no Rowan, no Jake, no B613 or whatever… but after multiple seasons, they're there.

I think we have to agree to disagree here. Olivia stood in her truth of the kidnapping, Abby didn't "go all ghetto", she actually made a smart move, and Quinn stood in her truth about her relationship with Olivia… and man, Huck broke my heart- he stood in his truth of his brokenness. I think the writers DO remember…

But after everything Olivia has been through it make sense that this is where she would be. In the big picture I think it was healthy she broke up with Fitz… There's growth she needs to make without him to be with him and I think she's making it. She turned a corner this last episode

Yeah. I feel for Olivia. She has been through a lot. Daddy issues in general but the kidnapping and public shaming and break up recently. I wish fans would let Olivia be a human character. And it ended with her being onto jake

I'm ok with this direction. I haven't loved the past two episodes… This was great

I loved this episode. Characters stood in their truth. Abby killed it. There was character growth. Twists. I loved Olivia at the end. I loved Susan and Fitz.

I think maybe this review is a little too negative? One of the things I've noticed is that the show it better without the promos. Throughout this season the promos have been very misleading, and have pushed us viewers to make conclusions that were pretty wrong, instead of just letting us watch and enjoy the story.