
This image was not consensual, but the facial expression wouldn't be any good if it had been.

Plus sides of it being a Hot Wheels car:

:-) This makes me very proud of the POS company I work for. :-) Our stuff has <15 minute tool-less assembly.

Google AdWords. For reals. It was posted on Lifehacker a while ago, where you can buy an ad on google with your dropbox referral link and you pay per click. I payed like $20 for enough clicks to max out my free account.

Have you ever seen the crates that new terminals get shipped in, and how involved the process is to set them up? Just curious.

For sure. I wouldn't even the effort or money on laminate floor for a basement - you can do a lot with stick-on tiles these days. :)

"Or better yet, a new Gawker site to follow."

Heart clicked cause I did the EXACT same thing on mine. It's uncanny.

I gotta believe that would cost WAY more than laminate, and probably more than nice hardwood.

They should just merge Lifehacker and Gizmodo. I actually really enjoyed this post. :)

It's nearly exactly the same except for the actual laying of it.

Do you work at a Safeway? If not, then it's not weird. The article doesn't actually say that "most" of anything runs on OS/2. It says that Safeway uses it for its checkout lanes, and that ATM's are "dotted" across the country running it. It says that NYC uses it for "swiping fares" which means turnstiles.

I can honestly say I welcome this. When I'm using my laptop on my lap on the couch, I get a bad wrist cramp from trying to use the trackpad which, when the laptop is on your lap, is a bit of an awkward wrist position. For simple surfing I could see swiping to scroll, tapping links, etc, as being preferable to using

It shouldn't be. XP matured into a very stable OS. A great deal of POS systems run on Windows POSReady 2009, which is XP. The forward-thinking ones are migrating to PosReady7, which is, you guessed it, Windows 7.

But what does it say for Gibson that they let those guitars out the door? Gibson shouldn't want any guitars out there with such awful quality control issues.

$3000 and up is "on the cheap"?

Naw, if we're gonna dump on Les Paul's, let's talk about how a $3,000 guitar has terrible finish bubbling, dust and hair trapped in the finish around the neck joint. . . . every single one I pick up at Guitar Center looks like it should never have made it out the door.

It's that convenient part where they skip from the square block of wood to the fully shaped body that's missing from the video. And that's the part that's completely dependent on a CNC.

Exactly. They need to be locked up in the Federal Reserve.