That's Engineering?

Electric motors don’t make infinite torque at zero rpm. Not even in theory. Whoever you heard that from knows next to nothing about electric motors. They produce their maximum torque, called stall torque, at zero rpm, but that’s limited by the magnetic field it produces (based on the amount of current applied) times

You’re not fucking journalists, you’re now acting as activitist masquerading as a journalist.

I am dumber for having expanded this thread.

Looks like their priorities are the retired, sick and unemployed.

Seriously, Jalops, this is it. The moment of truth. We need to buy this car.

You consider 26 year old cars modern? Ok, so you’re still wrong. Automotive speedometers are electromagnetic and need electronic controls to operate. This point you keep going on about downhill gradient makes no sense at all.

That’s my point. All modern cars, even with needles, are electronic. If your computer fails, your instrument panel fails. Sometimes, it will fail locally too.

What the hell does this have to do with cars? I used to love this site until we had to deal with political bullshit on a daily basis.

Car related post:
I’ve always been fascinated by the first gen Honda Insight.

I miss the old jalopnik.

Plus he lost the election by 2.9 million votes.

Except in the case of HRC, there were actual emails that someone actually had to look through to confirm that there was no “there there”. Like, if there had been a crime, the emails themselves would have defined the substance of it.

Regardless of whether it was satire or not, this professor is a moron. I. What world did he think calling for death to white people was going to improve race relations in any way?

Dems have consistently sucked at talking to people and explaining to them what they are trying to do. Dems also suck at times for thinking they have the high ground when in reality they just have an opposing view point.

Most rational comment of the day! Unfortunately, too many people on the far left would rather be blindingly furious all the time.

I’m not saying there isn’t racism and sexism. There’s a lot of both.

I’ve never been a fan of mockery as a strategy in debate – particularly in inflammatory situations. Maybe it’s because I’m no good at it? Mockery only seems to elicit emotional outrage, which serves only to further obscure what is already a complicated and confusing situation. I see it as a kind of Tucker

Idiot posts something idiotic, other idiots react to it idiotically. Got it.

Apparently we’re supposed to be outraged that people are outraged that a guy said something that, outside of some fairly specific context, is fairly outrage-inducing?

I feel like the response to his statements was a pretty predictable outcome.