
Obviously Myrcella.

Not news... she was there at the end of Season 5.

Except mass never gets converted into energy.

Mass never gets converted into energy.

Mass does not convert into energy. This article is wrong.

We’ve known how gravity works for a century. That’s Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity. Einstein’s theory makes a number of strange predictions, such as bending light — all of which have been observed, except for this final prediction, gravitational waves. So no, it doesn’t tell us anything new: it’s the final

What on Earth does “relevancy” mean in this context? Pretty dumb comment.

> shrimp

There’s a thing called a centimetre.

Having a constant multiplier for units is the only logical way to do it. Having hundreds of completely random multipliers is obviously completely stupid. It makes everything far harder. Why are you defending this?

Monsters Inc is an incredible piece of animation. RIP.

Literally everyone you know is your friend?

Literally everyone you know [who has told you a dumb story from their teen years] has a dumb story from their teen years.

Simultaneity at a single location is not an observer effect.

There’s no reason to think so.

That’s the wrong way round, sorry.

What do you think the possibility of it hitting alpha centauri is?

Stones are made of stone Esther. You’re a shameful journalist.

You’re right, nobody thought she was angry; the opposite happened in fact.
