If I'm not Ryan, I'm lyin'

To help visualize this: Imagine a perfectly hemispherical basin with a small amount of water in the bottom. Now imagine a hemispherical shell, just a bit smaller than the basin, with a tiny but very heavy stone in it. When you put the shell with the rock into the basin, the water rises just about to the brim of the

In the canoe, the rock is displacing its weight of water. When you throw it in the lake, it’s only displacing its volume of water. So, unless the rock is pumice or something, the water level will go down when you throw the rock into the lake. 

I loved it so much. Guardians movies were always my favourites and each of them hits more then the previous one.

Displacement of the water by canoe+rock (floating) is a volume of water with equal mass to the MASS of canoe+rock. When the rock is thrown out, it sinks (being denser than water) and it’s displacement is volume based and not mass based. Because the rock is denser than water, it’s volume displacement is smaller than

This was my first thought but I think it may not be correct because the rock is denser than water. While in the canoe, it is displacing water based on it’s weight pressing down on the canoe, but once you throw it in, it displaces water solely based on its volume. So if it weighs a kilogram but has a volume of only 100

CA: The First Avenger, CA: Winter Soldier, CA: Civil War?

I am still pretty shocked by the end stinger. The Legendary Star-Lord will return?!

Exactly. I feel if they had just colored his armor red with white, as in the comics, that would create enough visual difference to distinguish them better.

Really liked it. Not as good as the first one, but the first one had the advantage of surprise on its side, so it was never gonna be. Still really damn good. And yeah, I cried in the middle, because it was some good tragic storytelling.

“There is no God - that’s why I stepped in” is one of the coldest lines in cinematic history.

More that the teailers are. Trailers generally are not made by the studios that make the films. Instead they are done by another company that cuts it together based on analytics and formulas for how to get people excited to see the film. This leads to some movies being completely misrepresented (godzilla using 90

That’d be a good idea for the next bag of flour, but it’s too late for the last one.  Well, since my daughters eat a considerable sample of the raw dough each time, I’m pretty sure this bag is safe.  ;-)  But I think I’ll be snipping UPCs going forward.  I like your idea of making a holder for the UPC out of a trading

Who’s better though, Babu Frik or the Anzellan who said “I’m out, motherf-----!” on The Mandalorian?

I’m in favor of a lot of the Special Edition changes to the Original Trilogy, but I cannot get behind any of the Jabba’s Palace changes (or adding Hayden Christensen in the later DVD release).

A global pandemic does a lot of things to logistics and manufacturing but when you launch your Kickstarter in 2021, after stepping on that same rake once before, you don't get to claim it caught you off guard. This is absolutely abysmal planning on their part and I hope people ask for their refunds because this is

I say with no irony, no exaggeration, Babu Frik was the only watchable part of Rise of Skywalker. Ever set piece and story beat and character moment felt off and wrong. 

This 5 inch tall dude who has the energy of a 75 year old mechanic who dropped so much acid in the 70s he is borderline incomprehensible? He worked.

Oh fuck off with that bullshit. Its clear from their history that they are under pricing their tiers to get more sales by putting riskier margins only to have the market do what it does and they then hold the backers hostage for more money. Either they pushed the kickstarter out the door before they really grasped

Every time I see something like this it reminds me of how lucky i have been with kickstarter. All 6 projects were delivered and the worst I had was a month delay. Hell throw throw burrito actually shipped EARLY!

Really really weird how the Editorial Mandate here is “Crap on Marvel” the weekend that GOTG3 comes out.