If I'm not Ryan, I'm lyin'

That sounds aggravating

Is anyone else having an issue where you’re missing a few powers, but Vladimir doesn’t have anymore leads for temple locations? Aside from advancing to NG+, I’ve finished the main quest, but I’m missing 2 or 3 powers still. I read that Barrett’s companion quest leads to a n artifact or temple, but I think I got that

I have had a bug where my companion appears right on top of me when I undock from a ship or space station. I think it would happen if I went directly to the cockpit instead of entering my ship normally. But maybe they patched that out already, as I haven’t noticed it lately.

Part of me thinks the quest marker isn’t a bug. I’d read that the Constant is always jumping from system to system, looking for a planet comparable to the one they left. If this is the case, maybe the intention is for us to meet it again by happenstance? In that instance, it sort of makes sense to put a marker at the

It was

The physical, EM, and third stat I can’t recall offhand are for defense against different attack types. I think all melee attacks are physical, but guns can deliver any of the three damage types. The icon next to a weapon’s damage rating specifies which damage it does.

Second on the protection status bars. I’ve also started getting environmental ailments shortly after landing on a planet. Yesterday I got frostbite just from walking to the nearest landmark. The article mentioned a beeping sound, which is both news to me and also kinda useless, as I tend to lower the game volume and

TBH, I'd rather have a Morrowind remake. Oblivion didn't do much for me.

Between this and the Detective Pikachu sequel, maybe there’s still hope that I’ll get a Switch port/remake of Ace Attorney Investigations 2.

If it’s for a ship, you can add more storage in ship design, not to mention boost the capacity through skills. But if you’re constantly picking up resources that you don’t have room for, I recommend limiting how much you have of an item.

Any chance you’d share what sandbox elements are removed?

What if you beat the main story a second time? Would a third run through the main quest be different from the first and second times?

Re: space combat

I think something like The Witcher 3 also works better because the protagonist is already a clearly defined character. I don’t recall if there were instances where you could respond to NPCs in a variety of ways, but even if there were Geralt is still the same character with the same personality. Whereas with a game

Agreed. Though I’ve been primed to defend evil, scenery-chewing Don Cheadle ever since I saw him play Captain Planet. When you’ve got an entire species of shape shifters, it only makes sense that at least SOME of them would be hardcore method actors. Pretending to be such a public figure would be easy.

Sorry for putting that image in anyone's mind

Meanwhile in Austin, Greg Abbott got his first erection in DECADES.

I definitely wouldn’t sign after making those kinds of edits. No way of proving those words were crossed out before signing. I’d instead cross out whatever I disagreed with and ask that their legal team revise the contract with those edits.

I definitely know to use it when I need to and I have picked up a trick or two from videos and articles like this one. But on the fly Recall ingenuity absolutely does not exist for me.

We can narrow it down to one of the planets that has space woods. This much we know. That still leaves about 100 planets though.