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meh, not worth it to waste a good line on a common commoner like you. i save those for the uncommon peasants or good plebs ^^

—”nice rationale” would not apply in my sentence at all.

‘fuck you’ is not an argument. and i had my reasons. i like to say ‘fuck you’ to DmC defenders, it’s the main one aside from them deserving it. also was suited because he derailed my topic into DMC vs DmC beaten dead horse.

also, you are insane if for writing that. for one, being a success is all about the ratio from

hardcore beat’em’ups are quite =/= casual hack’n’slash.
there is nothing wrong with the lesser and simpler beat’em’ups as long as they stay true to what they are instead of impersonating and screwing their hardcore and deeper brethren. there is space in the field for all. but just like the casuals would not like a

i do, but i do not deem it necessary. if i was writing a book, at work or something, i’d do it for the sake of being thorough,absolutely as correct as possible and not leave any openings to failure to squirm in.

but i think it’s pretty clear even without uppercase that ‘i’ stands for ‘I’ without room for

do you know what ad hominems even are? and it would be “nice rationale” not nice rational.
i’m kinda of sure you are being sarcastic, but my point was never to convince anyone of anything. there are more important things to convince people about than which version of said game IP is the best. in a world where people

you fail to present any case again. dude, 2nd time you dump a pair of facts and expect people to guess what argument you want to make. learn to make your arguments for yourself ffs.

like i said before, the pursuit of an art style or being realistic has nothing wrong in and of itself. what is wrong, is when the

except all games are borderline commercial failures and by and large the beat em up and DMC playerbase deemed it a sub par entry.

DMC games were so not enjoyable that they made 4 of them, all more successful than this shit but DMC2. before this remake made both publisher and fans really want to give up on the IP.


no i am not wrong. i made a claim, i doubted something. i didn’t state anything as definitive fact. unlike you. that alone proves your lack of wisdom while other traits transpire from my comments proving my dominion over psychology. i am not graduated on it though, and only enjoy the subject as freetime interest, but

and are you saying someone will remember DmC for the art? ROFL you are even more stupid than i could imagine if so.

kid, these are games we are talking about. not sculptures, painting or a piece to showcase in an art gallery. their purpose is to be games, not something to look at. games can be beautiful, but what you

except i’m not an english native nor in an english speaking country. and i also bet you are much worse at your 2nd language if actually have one than me in english.

how exactly will the Shift key prevent that? you fail to explain.

people still play DMC3 and praise it as the BeU king to this day. i don’t see that changing in a few years.. DmC is forgotten already...

wtf. i will get back into the game if need be to understand this madness if i must. WHAT. dafuq.

ogre magi was quite fun and simple though. this couldn’t be further from it mechanically. but aesthetically it’s so close it’s ironic. it’s also quite the reminder that dota steamed from WoW if the previous heroes had not

yeah, it was supposed to be dry even. the objective was more to get a point across than to be funny. i had no way to be funny with that point. i know a couple of friends who might, they can make anything funny it seems..

hmm, since you don’t know how high my exposure to those friends i talked about is, i’m pretty sure


AHAH! GJ BLIZZARD! THAT’S THE BEST WAY TO FUCK RIOT! and their stupid refusal to release URF as permanent.


now that’s what i call fun! extra kudos multiplier unlocked! you can now win multiple internets.

good thing no one cares about what you think.

also i’m more exposed to psychologist and psychiatric doctor friends than you probably are exposed to any form of wisdom.

i also strongly suspect you didn’t get 60% of my post. starting with the humor in the first sentence.

the issue is what you are saying is a generalist claim about a specific mater. what does realism give to mario? how did unrealism hurt dota?question stands.

a beat em up can be of the realistic aesthetics flavor, sure, no problem with that. the issue i point out is the wrong aim of goals. realistic anything isn’t gonna