btw surfing on the disc was cool. i liked that but there wasn’t enough of it for me xD
btw surfing on the disc was cool. i liked that but there wasn’t enough of it for me xD
see DmC. it hurt me and it’s a real model characterized by shit tastes and targets.
you must be one of those kids that say twilight was a masterpiece of cinema.
also i dislike alcohol’s taste and am never drunk. much less is 2pm here in GMT
DMC was never meant to sell like COD. nor appeal to a broad audience. it’s a nicheish genre, the BnU, and DMC created a sub genre and a following. the success of MGSRising and Bayonetta prove the audience is there, but it’s not COD/MOBA size. it also proves the apetite is there for fresh original takes on the genre,…
sure, because Platinum makes such losses with their midas hands and all.
(midas hands: the golden touch, turning what they touch into gold. Platinum games: all huge successes despite ZERO broadening or whoring out. instead doubling down on what made those niches successful.
also, it’s better to gain little several…
twice. mediocre. combat is boring simple. Rising is simple but def not boring.
look instead of us having a long discussion about who is right and their take on the series, how about we just cut it to: fuck you.
gameplay in DmC is almost as bad as DMC2 if not worse. it was dumbed down, and no amount of your millennial aesthetics defense can justify that. also, taking the series away from it’s core…
what are you talking about, are you saying the mix and matching of traits i do to girls in my fantasies are not realistic? get out of here...
(why would a game with unrealistic worlds in unrealistic stories with unrealistic combat and unrealistic mechanics have such a need for realistic looks anyway? how did that help…
Ninja Theory? the guys that nearly ruined the DMC IP and have made nothing but ruin the beat’n’up genre by focusing on the wrong aspects? like casual gaming(dumb beat em ups. to not say outright boring) and broad audience appeal instead of fanbase appeal?
great. realistic pieces of shit instead of the classical…
i stand by that! i think we’ve all been there too (regrettably and countless times)
but riot has done littler to nothing to actually solve this. because i’ve seen plenty of teams that rip each other in the chat but work together, and then bans follow. but i rarely see bans resulting in erratic play or trollish play,…
plus RNG endings and expansions so you can collect all the cutscenes!
why are you changing the subject instead of replying to the past arguments like a little cwying pussy? you cry so much and get so mad despite you pretending to laugh and imitating me and my enjoyment with this conversation, i’m not sure evewy momy in the world could sooth yo’ wittle hurt fewings x’D
that is valid if you are talking about behavioral toxicity, but if you are referring to chat toxicity then all that is only on you, since you could just mute and enjoy the game.
using chat to justify you not having fun in the game is incorrect.
maybe in the elo hell where you play..
hmm, sounds like HotS really is a better fit for you due to time constraints and item building issues. but rly, item building in League is a lot different in theory than in practice. i find myself with half a dozen builds and not changing much every damn game.. (that is not supposed to be how it works xD but i guess…
btw dude, everyone sucked when they began MOBAs. play co-op vs AI and don’t give a fuck and ignore when people flame you. in that mode, it doesn’t mater much how much you die and you can train first the basic concepts and then learn with other humans. after a while, you will get good enough to face people on fair…
lingo is pretty much like a keyboard key, you can call the Ctrl key as many things as languages, but press it and it will do the same you are familiar with. chess people are just very elitist and traditionalist xD
this is gonna be long but please read it, i promise you won’t regret it.
i just thought i’d be wrong of you to judge a book by an article someone made about a sentence in the cover.(if you catch my drift)
MOBAs and the 5v5 map that is the nexus of this gaming continent are a Team Death Match. now let’s explore the…
i agree in all but any adult should be able to ignore a random online flame without even batting an eye. that’s called maturity, never mind logic. i don’t give a shit about the flaming assholes, the behavioral toxicity is all that i care and upsets me.
it’s online gaming. toxicity of chat has been with it since…