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what joke was that? unless some joke fell magically from me without me noticing. i don’t recall or see any joke made by me there. please quote said joke so i can see it if you can be so kind.

for the record, you are the 10000000001th person to come attack me, when 1- i see nothing wrong with what the guy asked, pretty

always, mos def. till the day i die, i will always survive =3
(heh, it’s dry, alright, but it’s stronger than me, what you gonna do *shrug* xD)

thank you for the somewhat thorough response. i must confess i already knew most of the written but still took plenty of insight from that. even if i didn’t, i wanted to get that response to hear your exact thoughts. i’m 28, so arigato shimashita senpai xD, but i disliked scource and only had my CS crase with 1.6. i

hmm, i’m curious as to how specifically i’m being an asshole here, care to enlighten me?

i have no doubts about why this great studio and their great games are underrated. i just feel that it is unfair, despite quite to be expected. we can accept the cruelty and harshness of life without ceasing to be idealist and striving for a goal we know though possible will never be achieved. for it is not the finish

and you are telling me this why?

yeah i imagined you say that. but the joke remains, don’t you think wanting to shoot your friends in the face kinda throws people away? =3

i know what you mean about having shit breaking the possibility of scheduling with friends =|
but anxiety? kick that shit off. you need to change your view on life and whatever is

buy it.

i mean you will suck at and dislike it. but at least then you’ll support the great devs that are quite underrated, their product that deserves more support as it is also underrated and maybe you will learn not to expect other people without reason to dictate your buys nor to buy something because the package is

i’ll take the bait and state the obvious:
the mind wonders why you have no friends with such a friendly attitude.
you realize it’s best to have friends on the team than on the enemy team right?

i think he went to desktop or something. maybe i’m wrong =S but i concur with you, i’d read the first 2 out of each tree to figure what each tree relates to “off/def/utility” and then spam the sup and def trees xD

i’d never go in a game without doing the full 20 masteries pages tho, i’m that guy that always has a plan

well, be that as it may, i have fun with the idiots and they are the one’s that start to poke me. the guy i talked to didn’t even reply so far.. and not that any of the idiot’s responses were on topic either. so i’m just “defending” myself here, no more.. blame them if you think that way.

and where, exactly, did i say it wasn’t acceptable? please quote me.

also, how is preaching the bible to Christ gonna help your argument exactly?

i must be 1 of the 2, becaaaause? if you are gonna reply “i said so” don’t even bother ^^

ill just copy paste the previous comment since you can’t read it:

except i didn’t care at all about what he though, i just wanted to have fun jabbing back at him. why didn’t you reply to my response to you instead, oh butthurt kid? no arguments? no comebacks there? ofc! you can’t because you were rekt ahahahaah

but wait, this gets better! so me playing dota since a couple of yars

the term used are common lingo for the playerbase and rarely if at all people call them something else. it says something about the person not using the term everyone uses “every” time. also i pointed another clue about that person, not just that. he can call them whatever he likes though, i don’t give a shit. you

yes because in comment sections i’m also quick to say hf in the beginning of the match.. WAIT, comment sections don’t have matches? could it be that people behave differently in different situations? OMG, brb, gotta go win a nobel..

your stupid excuses say one thing, your obvious intentions say another kid. your

LOL calling out someone who calls out someone for calling a champ a hero, not knowing basic manners, hmm i wonder where you came from..... (truth: why would i give a fuck if someone cares or not exactly?i’m not running for US presidential 2016)

i wasn’t outing him as a Dota2 player though was i. your mind played that trick on you. do you know what heroes are called in HotS? what about Smite?

also why would you assume i was trying to insult him? another mind leap further making you look bad.

also, teaching the preacher about God much? i play dota since icefrog

yes, i’m a toxic player because kotaku comment section is such a wonderful and frustrating game that we toxic players need to cave in and insult others out of fury. boy your stupidity just gets better and better int he sense it’s funny from being so ridiculous.

you can read what you said again. you generalize so much