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media12? seriously? that’s the acc name?
also, nice that you noticed you needed to pick masteries before going in game at least. thank that other guy rofl

i can almost hear your thoughts” yeah i wonder what i should pick for the new mas... WAIT, masteries! shit i forgot that! fuck, hope there’s still time... damn that’s

do you know google? find your answer if you really want to know.

on a side note, you don’t understand the point of this (champ select)

LOL calling champ hero, not knowing basic facts, hmm i wonder where you came from....... (hint: i don’t)

sure kiddie retard, run with your tail between your legs because you lack any working neurons to make critical thoughts and a comeback. can’t argue with facts... just stay in hots, we have more than enough retards already in dota and league, we appreciate that shit like you stays away.

. <- point

.<- your head

you are so retarded you didn’t even understand that my main point was that you shouldn’t make stereotypes of an entire playerbase being x because a few examples you encountered are x. for one, i play the 3 mobas, i played dota longest. for two, i just love to put idiots like you in their place,

because dota2 players never bring bad habits into LoL....

sarcasm aside i’ve never seen someone who i knew came from HotS to the other 2 so don’t know about that. but it’s not like most HosT players could even reach lvl30 in LoL/good mmr in dota.. unless they stop being hots players and learn about personal

i don’t care about skins, and am a bit out of the loop, how is any of this gambling? serious question.

i agree to all but her ult. you see, i get high risk high reward, but making an adc do melee is counterproductive. in theory, there is nothing wrong with the concept, like everyone doing their own thing because they are free..
the issue lies in practical concepts.

an adc is inherently focusing on offensive output and

but are they comfortable? (wedgies are not at all for men but, who knows about women logic. certainly not men x’D)

polls about this would be interesting with a comment section.

no, i’m comparing fictional supernatural creatures with real machines. there are no supernatural creatures, which is why they induce much of the fear they do in so many. while machines don’t induce any in most. it’s fear of the unknown. quite studied and known in psychology.

yes a machine can be harmful, but it doesn’t

no, it doesn’t. you don’t need to understand a machine or code. you just need to know it’s a machine, and therefor something man-made and man-known.

the fact that it violates logic and physics is EXACTLY what makes them scary. dude just google “fear of the unknown” and learn something instead of arguing with me and

sometimes i wonder if they do this intentionally or how high was that design team to actually think it to be a good idea.

it’s the DmC debacle all over again. “hey let’s make a nonsensical change for the sake of what we think is gonna be proffit and upset what we know for sure our fanbase hates! that’s is sure to work

League may have many faults but it was the first to mainstream several maps. dominion is as old as the main map, and aram map became a thing.

LoL also does not have dedicated positions. the meta does. and issue here is creative freedom vs trolling and retards. you see, the meta exists and was established because it is

yes it will. a lot. it will make it more shit. have you seen the MF changes? quinn was nerfed of what made her quinn, the blind on Q and they pretend to balance that with buffing her ult to toggle. cait was made more skillful but even bully-er if you are. kog was buffed, finally. and whatever they did with graves made

that would be pointless. DOTA will always win that category. DOTA is 100% free and you get cheap skins and a looting reward system.

League has plenty of grind and/or pay content, from champs to skins and runes. adding loot rewards to alleviate some of grind still doesn’t make it comparable.

although, the above said, i

dude, people can be horrible and scary, yes. machines can’t in the horror genre sense. irl, sure a fully automated weapon can be scary, i mean it threatens your life. but not scary like a demon or a chutullu monster... those instill fear because we don’t understand them plus their looks or appearance. there is no way

need tech specs, kotaku/sony plz!

“ I have not in any way said or implied that true AI exists.”
i have not in any way said or implied that you implied true AI exists. i just mentioned that in the context. boy you really are stupid.

“I have never claimed it was unknown in that sense. I pointed out the fact that there are imperfect machine systems that

i didn’t express myself correctly, harmless they may not be, but they are not sentient supernatural creatures beyond our understanding and power. they are within our very clear understanding and they are not sentient much less thirsty for harm or anything really since true AI doesn’t exist.

humans, are by definition

it can’t because you cannot break the known fact inside your mind that it’s manmade and harmless.

horror kind of fear comes from the unknown. a creature killing people? horror. a robot/machine killing people? murder.