I literally was just browsing my local Craigslist and found this sweet '85 300ZX. Really tempting... if only I didn't have to save for college...
I literally was just browsing my local Craigslist and found this sweet '85 300ZX. Really tempting... if only I didn't have to save for college...
No personal experience with one but that's a damn good looking car. If they've improved the mechanicals and reliability even half as much as the appearance, it should be fine. Plus, their targets (7 series, A8, S-Class) are pretty darn unreliable and expensive as hell to repair (I do have personal experience with…
"...about as reliable as a parent with a drug habit", lol, that's good. But I'd still rather have a parent with a drug habit than a GTI, (or anything remotely resembling a 'hot hatch').
I've been saying this since they started selling the new ones. Nothing special.
I doubt it. Maybe where you are, but around me, everyone knows. That includes people that don't know jack about cars. They say "oh, thats one of those really fast Neons isnt it?" Probably helpd by the fact that Every. Fucking. One. has exhaust and a BOV you can hear from 3 blocks away, and drives around at WOT 95% of…
Except everyone knows that. And they were sold specifically as a performace car. Not really a sleeper.
Under 10k after looking for a daunting 45 seconds.
Fun fact: Depending on who you talk to, they were called Vipers in reference to the Viper mk III fighters from Battlestar Galactica. (The original.)
Officially, that's not the story, but ask any pilot from the LWF test program and they'll tell you otherwise.
the viper is a nickname by the pilots and crew "fighting falcon" is its given name
karl rove says race doesn't play into politics, but it sure as hell plays into a damn fine joke.
My son and his unit gives Israel the first warning. Yeah, I'm pretty fucking proud of that.
No wonder most Americans automatically side with Israel, we're both wealthy nations filled with shamelessly self-absorbed assholes so far removed from any conflict we enter that it's incredibly easy to cheerlead for atrocities. I wish I could even be surprised that Violent Nationalism Selfies are a thing, but I can't.
F&F the route of all automotive evil.
I see a lot of arguments here.
Let me put this in simple words:
For organizations like HAMAS, the goal is to not win the land back. Their goal is to make israel look evil by causing deaths of innocents on both sides (but more importantly, to make Israel hunt down innocent Palestinians). In the wake of all the chaos,…
I'm confused by the tactics, as it really isn't a fight for control of the airport if you blow shit up. That would be trying to destroy the airport? Does one group not want it functional to hurt the country economically or did this occur during the battle and both sides would like to control the airport?
Next to the halls of montezuma
Fuck Hamas, and fuck ANYONE who sympathizes with their terrorist garbage. Seriously, and sorry for the profanity. But it's both ignorant and outrageous for people to blather on about how that group (and all like it) are anything other than murderous bandits.
There's nothing to admire here - they're a terrorist organization. We don't admire people who wish that another people shouldn't exist.
You are absolutely free to go to Palestine and fight for what you think is right. Please go!