
In another aspect of F&F, I think that movie was the main reason that most of the RX-7s were bought, modified and blown up. :(

Triple-starred this post...

Why won't it let me recommend more than five times?!

Do you prefer a shovel or pitchfork when you remove the small mammals and children?

Ken Amaro is our local victim's advocate on local news. His piece claims that he intervened with Frank and the family and THEN the dealership caved. Ken only gets involved when people have been wronged here in Jax and are not given satisfaction. Methinks that originally, the dealership was not going to return his 2011

I wonder if there's a height limit that relates to privacy—the difference between hovering over someone's yard at 400 feet and hovering inches over the neighbor's bikini-clad wife. Do property owners own the airspace over their homes?

:) Just because...

Are you originally from Long Island? I ask, as I got into a discussion with a friend who was from Florida and was "in Long Island" on a biz trip. Growing up on Long Island, I always knew natives to say "on Long Island." So, I was just curious. Thanks :)

As a child of the 70s and 80s, I can attest to the fact that Ginsu knives NEVER need sharpening.

My grandfather and my son with Liberty Belle:

I bought my first car—a 1980 RX-7—in a used car lot in 1987. It was a 5-speed GS and I learned to drive it off the lot, then on the LIE on the way home. Figured it out pretty quickly in 70mph traffic. :)

Not sure. Mazda is still developing the rotary among others. Aside from the 16x they are also developing single rotor assist engines for hybrids.

Michael, I had to stop and think about how much was invested in rotary research. I figured after the Big 3 and others stopped their programs in the 70s that Mazda was the only one carrying the torch. I don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong with the concept, I think it has more to do with materials tech in

I've always had an RX-7 since my first car and when the FD came out I went to the dealership and sat in one for 30 minutes and just being amazed how beautiful and different it was from the SA/FB.

Palate cleanser!

There was an actual PT Cruiser magazine for a while there. The publishers also tried to do a competing Mazda sport car magazine at the time. Added bonus: my children only know these cars as PeePee Cruisers.

Odyssey > Sienna. E39 is a great choice. I have both and the kids prefer the E39 over the RX7. :)

I'm sure her lawyers will find a chink in Top Gear's armor.

Oh, no. But I was 12 and HAD to know. :)