
It hurts.

Thank you Ridley, for not including Lindelof in the sequel. Loved the movie, hated his "I have a secret and won't let you in on it style". I believe he left out one of the most important aspects of Spaiths' script—David's ability to see in other spectrums, hence being able to read the Engineer's signage and see their…

I like to refer to my pizzle as "The Terminator", if that helps.

Love me some Shar-Peis.

lol. I guess I shouldn't have put "insert funny movie title here" in angle brackets.

They made this already, it's called . :)

That's just awesomesauce.

Needs more guns.

It's ok I say. Your comment is NOT ghey.

Not my logic. I couldn't care less what you say or how you say it. I say "LEGOs" and have since before these pretentious hipsters were born. As a matter of fact, I think using either LEGO or LEGOs is incorrect and the proper term would be "LEGO Bricks."

In before someone tells you the plural of LEGO is LEGO. :)

I hope he finds Xenu!

That comment wasn't directed at you, sorry you saw it that way. I wasn't blaming you, I was agreeing :) The Colonial Marines wore helmets...in space. :) I didn't realize a fully enclosed breathing helmet allowing space travel was a prerequisite. I just saw "space helmets".

Or even the Space Jockey? Or Aliens? This list and the article title are bullshit.

"All" and "Every" should not have been used in that title. Do we need to start a list?

Just say N2O!

Actually, I just wanted to say actually.

I upgraded my kitchen, fireplace and bbq with propane last summer and I need a new grill that will last more than two years here in Florida. The one I have is now three years old and it's done.

That scene where the enterprise is rising through the fog/smoke/plasma is straight outta Wrath of Khan.

Should include the TIE Fighter to complete the old school effect.