
This made my day.

How long must we wait for our octopus HD TVs?

You ain't kidding.


I think that's what they did...knocked her down in one episode. All of the stupid baggage she had attached was addressed in this episode, no?

What a load of shit. I first read "A Matter for Men" in high school when it came out and each sequel thereafter. I recently reread the entire series and it holds up. But his bitching about finishing the series for the last several years and now pinning the completion on the election is just the final straw for me.

Don't understand all the hate for Emma this episode. We knew she had to be knocked down a few pegs and come to grips with the magical 'verse. I think the writers accomplished that—in one episode—and we won't be exposed to a long story arc of Emma forgiving Snow for "abandoning" her and Emma accepting the truth of

We heard this exact same thing when the Xoom came out. I wouldn't pin my hopes on the Surface supplanting the iPad, the market is large enough to support several major players.

I like unique competition. It's nice to see MS develop their own entry into the market and not just throw a knockoff into the ring. I also like the fact that the article doesn't throw in the ubiquitous "iPad Killer" into the story. I hope this does well in its market—clients that want an MS-centric device that's not

This is not a facetious question, how many music services has MS tried? Is the Zune platform officially dead?

http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2010/06/how-to-tell-if-you-are-a-supertaster/ I can't stand pickles, candy, booze and some veggies. I can eat the shit out of hot pizza though—blisters and all.

Follow your nose. It always knows...the flavor of, um, mammoth dong.

How's about a greasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ashtray?

Saw a nice Mark I Mister 2 recently. Don't see a lot of those anymore. Always liked the MR2.

Yes :(

The one I'm using. It's a typo. Should have been RXSE7EN. A play on the movie and my car fetish.

Sorry to hear that. I lost my first BT, Augustus Diego Van Helsing (Auggie) about 5 years ago to the day—he was only 10. It took three BTs to replace him. They are all rescues and purebreeds too. So many great dogs out there waiting for adoption. I got one from animal control, one from FLBostonRescue.com (be warned,

Christmas gift from my mom.

Thank you, Sylvain, for years of rotary porn. :(