
Rebuilding my 13BT. Catastrophic failure. All seals are fine. Looks like I spun a bearing and shredded my e-shaft and a housings with bearing bits. :)

Those are the reasons that Vickers hand-picked them for the mission. She wanted Weyland to fail.

I got the feeling that they weren't truly biological in nature—highly advanced, DNA-based androids. The scene where the head explodes in a milky, white mess instead of blood and gore kinda backs it up. I think they were created by the Creators, they created us, we created David and his ilk.

The stupid people on the mission were hand-picked by Vickers, who wanted her father to fail.

I'm among the few who loved everything about, including the score. Seen it twice already and after discussing online for more than a week now, have come to the conclusion there are no plot holes and that it's an amazing entry into the Prometheus mythology series. Next film is going to be great.

Pack-a-day CHROUT!

I saw the movie again and was thinking about this before going in. Vickers actually hand-picked the survey team and I believe set it up to fail knowing full well why her father was on the mission.

I did the same thing. Saw Alien again after seeing Prometheus and thought the same thing...then I realized that the helmets and xenon-biomechanical suits are just that...bio. It rotted and fossilized giving it the rough look. Also, Ridley probably hadn't even conceived of a Prometheus-like story at that time and

Yeah, I'd have a 14" flute.

100% of subjects administered the antivirus after 28 hours seem to have gone comatose, then reanimated showing signs of extremely aggressive behavior, killing the other subjects in the lab. It is this scientists...what's that? OH SHIT! They got out! They got out! No! Don't come near me! Aaargh! That hurt. Stupid

The more I think about the derelict on LV-426, the more I come to believe that that ship was responsible for removing the xenomorphs from LV-223 after killing the engineers and bringing them to earth.

The xenomorphs are the weapons-goo. The xeno-hyrbid you see at the end of the film is an example of what the weaponized goo will create when combined with human, engineer or any subject, like the worms in the goo chamber. Remember, this takes place long after the space jockey crashed on LV-426—the xenomorphs already

You think the "79¢" price is an homage to the release date? Published by Weyland-Yutani and The Matrix is Morpheus Publishing, it's just that "79" is jumping out at me.

"You get a free bowl of soup with that hat?"

Mail, Male or Muh-muh-muh-mole Man?

Does it work with urine? I thought he was going to pee on her from the bridge.

Yeah. I would much prefer if they made dolphin sneakers. I went to Sea World as a kid in San Diego and while everyone was at the seal show, I stuck around at the dolphin petting tank. No one was around when the dolphin sank it's mouthful of molars into my hand. Nasty mammals.

Looks just like the stacks of unused CDs and DVDs on my desk.