Please be xenomorphic bio-weapons. Please be xenomorphic bio-weapons. Please be xenomorphic bio-weapons.
Or 10 Applebucks.
Don't you mean 7000 million people?
No, it would make him a potato. I grew up out east on the North Shore and my wife's family were German/Polish potato famers. I don't think people realize how agricultural Long Island is/was. I went to school with farmers and children of the überrich. This guy is just nouveau riche.
Pseudo-correction: He lives "on" Long Island.
I like female sex pianos.
It's not a shadow. It's millions of New Yorkers being sucked in by it's intense gravity.
A small 'burb just 20 minutes south of Raccoon City.
Is it normal to truly dread DST? It fucks me up for days. I lived in Arizona for few years as a kid and we didn't have to change the clocks. Loved that.
Ereaders are dead to me. I started reading books on a Handspring 10+ years ago and have been reading them on my smartphones and iPad since. I'm not buying the notifications thing, much easer to turn that off than having to use a damned booklight with our Kindle. Besides, I'm constantly reading and keep my books synced…
Contracts, agreements and access to a lawyer are very important.
This is what I use: [www.amazon.com] I grind Starbucks beans and use reusable cups. The coffee is fine. The coffee snobbery here is getting out of hand. Out of hand I tells ya!
I miss John Paul. I've never warmed up to Benedict. I bet JP would have been great with social media.
So long, and thanks for all the lifts.
I started velveting my stir fry a few weeks ago. It truly makes the dish more restaurant-authentic.