
John Ringo's first few books in the Legacy of the Aldenata series are great—the later ones not so much. His Through the Looking Glass series is fun. And his new series, Troy I believe, is pretty cool.

The spec ops semicolon?

I've read the headline three times and the story once and still just realized it's not "Toyota"!

I.can't.stop.watching.zit-popping.videos.on.youtube. help me.

The only things I have bought are an authentic GI canvas case and a scout rail and scope. I didn't install the rail and scope as I was a afraid of damaging the barrel and hand guard. I think I might start looking for another M1 carbine on the cheap that I can modify.

My local gun shop had a piece in decent condition and they still wanted $2k for it. Fulton-armory.com has "new" ones and some very cool, authentic accessories. I read an article last year that South Korea was going to ship over thousands of m1 carbines and assorted other collectible pieces and the Obama administration

Is that you? Wasn't that a horrible experience?!

Thanks! This particular rifle was manufactured by Underwood—the typewriter manufacturer. IBM and Winchester also built them and are highly collectible.

Get your stinking paws off me you friendly, docile ape!

I bet maple bacon would be better. The sugars would help with coagulation, yeah?

I have four bacon-loving dogs. Even if used nasally only, my face would be eaten before I ever awoke.

A box of 100 pieces costs about $45. 952 boxes X $45 = $42,840 worth of Nicorette gum.

:) I edited myself to add the Oscar Meyer bit.

I wish comcast would offer all-you-can-eat streaming of their library and channel line-up without having to have cable tv. I get basic cable with my broadband account—about 20 channels including locals in HD—and everything else we watch is on Netflix, Hulu, iTunes and Amazon and we're still paying $100 less per month

Why stop with just nasal? I can see a whole line of Oscar Meyer feminine products.

My 14-year-old son with his Great Grandfather's M1 carbine. And this is my Grandfather, Maj. Mike Bonagura [486th.org] Having a personal attachment to history always makes it more interesting.

It's pristine. Take it out a couple of times a year to the range and feed her good ammo. I have 1000 rounds of CRAPPY Wolf ammo—stay away from Wolf. I keep it in case of an outbreak. :) Fulton armory has some nice pieces and accessories for the M1: [www.fulton-armory.com]

OMG! Bad memories. I had a nosebleed once and had to go to the emergency room for it. There are different sized nose tampons. My doc started with one that was too large, I screamed and swung at him when—I swear—it must have poked my brain. When the doc removed it a week later it was just as painful and probably the

For all you other Keurig lovers that don't care about the price per unit for just once, try Starbuck's new k-cups. I finally found them in my local Target—18 cups for $13 is hefty—but the French Roast was excellent. I would say it's better than my self-ground Starbucks French Roast in reusable filter. Yes, it's steep,

I'm not a fan of handguns. It's not political. I prefer rifles and my favorite is the M1 Carbine. Voted best weapon for the zombie apocalypse! I like the old-school wood charm, size, accuracy and it's role in WW2. It might also be because the one I own was my grandfather's service rifle from when he was a B-17 bomber