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    Mine is $214k with accessories, did I just out-fancy you?

    But it’s also the most fun car on the list.

    My Abarth is 7 years old with 86,000 miles and has old been on a tow truck twice, both times returned to service same day. 10 years should be doable.

    Here’s the difference between a fast F1 car, slow F1 can and fast road car at Spa.

    To be fair, every car except McLaren was bad in 1988.

    I’ve been saying there is a good chance the Mid-Engined corvette is actually a Cadillac for a long time. Remember, Cadillac hired the guy in charge of the the R8 development from Audi.

    The SLR wasnt really a Mercedes.  It was funded by Mercedes, because McLaren couldnt aford it at the time, and sold by Mercedes because McLaren didnt have a dealer network.  But it was designed by, and built by McLaren.

    There is exactly 0% chance this actually happens. Stop reacting to every stupid tweet he puts out. Treat him like you would a child, ignore their whiny crap and stop giving them attention.

    Small truck = Ford F150.  Large truck = International Lonestar.

    A Chicken tax on cars would help Honda and Toyota the most, they are the ones actually building cars in the US.

    Does that price include leather covered vent slats? Or will that be extra?

    Referring to the old top gear test track, which is where all the old relevant cars have laid down times. Whatever they used on Grand Tour doesn’t have much basis for comparison.

    Champagne is fancy wine for people who don’t like real wine.

    Using that logic, it wouldnt be his first Alfa, it would be his 73rd Alfa

    The only mildly disappointing thing is it wont be timed on the old test track.

    This complaint was relevant in 2010.

    Doesnt seem like it would be particularly good at getting heat away from the engine.

    Ah the Cliffs, if you’ve never been David, i suggest you go. It’s like Monaco for people who like to break their XJs. And then spend the next month fixing them.

    He could have given us an R35 GTR with a manual, and didn’t. So yeah, he sucked.

    At 54-51 I dont know if it’s the NFL or WNBA.