
Look at John D. Rockefeller over here bragging about his bottles.

he can’t read yet

I keep waiting for Snickers PB Squared to become the Halloween gold standard. It’s the perfect size. It’s got everything going for it, except tradition. One of these years it breaks through.

there’s a guy outside who says he needs to be in here

I’m not sure if anyone heard about this other fun fact. But the Warriors blew a 3-1 lead in last year’s NBA Finals. (The Finals is the championship series in professional basketball.)

Counterpoint: No.

Thank you for participating.

Obviously, the fans shouldn’t be cheering a walk-off until the opposing team has had ample time to consider a challenge. It’s an unwritten rule that’s been around since the advent of replay. Everybody knows this.

Barry, are you insinuating that the Cardinals won....

Perhaps they’re embarassed that it was shot in portrait mode instead of landscape??? Imagine all the crap they’d take on these message boards if it were portrait!!

If a doctor tells me, ‘Hey that’s it and this is how that is,’ and I don’t buy that. I have the right to disagree with you.”

You mean, over leaving Stillwater or wherever the shit they are in Oklahoma?

I don’t feel like I ever seen anyone complaining about a team taking a 7 point lead to 14. It’s when teams are taking 30 point leads to 37 point leads with 2 minutes left that it’s a little eye-rolly, but on the other hand, whatever.

So you can only celebrate something when you or a group is the direct cause? Here’s something, and I know this may seem crazy..but they may just be celebrating........because ::gasp:: the result of that play is favorable to the team!

People lie about reading books for the same reasons that motivated you to write that comment.

Nice of Glenn Beck to make it clear right in the name that his network is either:

I am but a padawan to her “Take Jedi”.

The Blaze is the “media network” that Glenn Beck started when Fox shitcanned him. Essentially this woman works for Glenn Beck.

Because when you want hard-hitting perspective about how the world really works, you go to a 24 year old blond who's putting together an audition reel for a sweet FoxNews gig.