But it is STILL a chick car! Your buddy's will be laughing their asses off if you pull up to a Cars and Coffee anywhere in this purse hauling econobox.
But it is STILL a chick car! Your buddy's will be laughing their asses off if you pull up to a Cars and Coffee anywhere in this purse hauling econobox.
Who cares about pictures of the kids, we want pictures of Kristen Bell, because she is HOT!
How long until Deadspin staffers convince your bosses that this new comment system sucks, and is alienating your customers? Simple question.
Hey KINJA brass: This comment is NOT about this article, but it's a comment about the STUPID video pop ups that show up over the articles. Do you REALLY think we LIKE that? A big fat NO. This is a FAIL on your part. It really makes me NOT want to go to any Kinja site any more. About as stupid as cutting your finger…
The Mormons have the answer, "Give your friend a hand!"
This story does have me wishing it happened here in Portlandia. The www.Bikeportland.org website would have been all over this story!
What crosscheck? She was moving over to the right, and gently brushed the Canadien players booty, who then took a World Cup Class Soccer dive. THAT was BS.
What about the "make up" call on USA after that penalty by Canada? THAT was a slash on the goalie? NO WAY. This was FIXED!
Conspiracy theorists will love this one! Is this the system Detroit is installing? We want to know! Big Brother Street Lamps are watching you now, Detroit!
"With a price tag of $3,000+ apiece, according to an ABC report, the street lights are now being rolled out in Detroit, Chicago and Pittsburgh, and may soon…
Come on, there's no video? Not even a shaky, cell phone one uploaded to youtube? Come on people!
And here's video from an r/c helicopter.
Dangit, how disappointing, I watched the video, and then realized the title said "Lebenese", not "Lesbianese"! Oh well, that nipple action was just fine......
"on a metal-bladed plank." is not entirely accurate. Take a look at their sled, those runners are ROUND, they have no edge or blade! So now imagine sliding down the course with literally NO controlling surface like a blade, like the luge, and now you will understand why these skeleton folks are out of control, and…
From Team Spankin Time:
UPDATE!!! The trailer has been found in the High Grove area of Riverside . 3 suspects arrested and in custody . Grizz is still missing . The San Bernardino SAN CATT guys are on this. Grizz will make it back home, we have a lot of faith in the task force . They have been relentless in…