Canada doesn’t get Prime Video.. Does Europe or anywhere outside the US? Just like HBO, Canada is more inclined to torrent because these companies just don’t offer a solution.
Gladly extending my middle finger to the BBC today.
The driver didn’t lose the back end before a corner. That’s during a very high speed left hand corner.
He put in the time. I didn’t really like him at first when i started seeing his videos pop up years ago. He seemed like he was a little bit entitled and not super likable when he first started out. He’s definitely softened the edges a little bit since then and really worked on his delivery. At this point I think he’s…
Well, that goes in the “plus” column for the U.S., then.
This, Evans needs to (needed to) go because he was trying way to hard to come across as excitable and everyone’s feel-good friend (when you and I know he wasn’t). Eddie Jordan just seemed lost and confused and not really caring about any scene he was in and I don’t really know what he adds to the show (though I’m sure…
It’s far more punishment to let him live and suffer.
Evans is unwatchable and unlistenable.
Speeding should indeed not be a felony, however reckless endangerment, criminal negligence and aggravated assholery all should be.
If we’re concerned about prison overpopulation, non-violent drug offenders are the ones to release. People like this guy are a danger to the public and WILL, one day, seriously hurt someone else. This kind of dangerous behavior IS criminal. If you want to race, go on a race track.
This wasn't speeding. If he was doing 80 on the LIE at 2AM, I'd agree with you. This was recklessly weaving through traffic, making multiple illegal and dangerous lane changes, and putting the lives of dozens of others at risk. I'm entirely in favor of felony charges for drivers who injure or kill cyclists and…
That would make total sense. Chris Evans probably has a pretty good contract on this deal, and a massive ego, so getting rid of him during the show’s pre-production phase would have been a pain in the ass. BBC surely realized he was useless long before the airing of the first episode, but couldn’t find a good way to…
What if I told you... It was all planned this way months ago?
His cars are a perfect metaphor for his hosting job so far: taking a collection of beautiful things and fucking it up.
It’s fucked up how much money he made as a radio guy at a publicly-funded broadcasting org. If I was a taxpayer there I’d be pissed right off. He’s one of many
I did too, especially before the episodes aired and everyone was ragging about him. It seemed like just tabloid headlines trying to grab attention. Then the episodes aired.. then I saw all his tweets. The guy is an arrogant douche and deserves it all.
Why? He has an enormously successful career in radio already. He should have just stuck to that like he originally said he would.