

I’ve nothing important to say, other than - and I mean this is the most respectful way I possibly can communicate it - OH MAN DOES THIS WOMAN JUST GET ME ALL HOT N’ BOTHERED.  

It’s not gonna be the same without the other 9 people beside you.  Being alone and online makes toxicity just seep in...having 9 other idiot drunk video game lovers beside you makes the “fuck yous” much more social and acceptable.  



Oh god I hope Sony doesn’t misstep and hire a “Don Mattrick” type figure to usher in the PS5 era....but I do believe Shawn was behind the “artsy Fartsy E3 tent party” fiasco Sony’s last year of E3. 

Why do people think he’s DUNKING on this guy? What is so OWN’IN about it? It seems like a thoughtful, well described answer.

It’s only a 3 year contract....they can draft their way out of it with a savvy QB pick next year.  While awful, it’s not THAT AWFUL.  Now, if we are talking shelf life with the WRs....yeah could be an issue.


Don’t forget, he’s a giant DOUCHEBAG so he’s not even likable.  He’s the LUKE BRYANT of football.

LOLOLOL----I wish I could give you the GOLDEN BUZZER of kinja for this.  God bless you.  

Sure they can, they can simply draft a rookie QB and pay him pennies on the dollar.  BOOM! 

As a white guy - HOLY SHIT BLACK PEOPLE OR BROWN PEOPLE, BASICALLY ANYONE NOT WHITE - the justice system has repeatedly failed you, over and over and over.  I don’t even know where you go from here.  The system is clearly rigged in our (white) favor, but I’m sure you didn’t need to hear that.  AND WHAT THE HELL, THE

The entire justice system - COPS, JUDGES, LAWYERS, ETC. - are like a mafia family. They’ll move heaven and earth to protect their own., you threaten to take the that’ll get em’ moving.  

IT’s a fucking crime Seattle couldn’t get him one god damn playoff appearance in 15 fucking years.  

This just isn’t the game that immediately sprang to mind when someone yelled “NAME A PSX GAME YOU’D LOVE TO SEE REMADE!!?!?!” - I just have no interest in it.  

I wanted and tried to get into DQ11 but couldn’ just didn’t pick up any steam in the first 5-10 hours for me to grab me.  Maybe I’ll pick up the switch copy when it hits 20 bucks and try to get back into it. 

She has a lot of forehead. Brad Pitt seems to like a large, visible forehead in his women.

Nobody likes Amal.  Not even George.