

A $35 ticket? Cry me a fucking river. Move to a real city and learn what real parking tickets are like!

I find no relevance here.


The opening sequence was actually underwhelming, which really disappointed me since I was there in the midst of its filming! There were cars, old and new, of all shapes and sizes spread out amongst the crowd, but you really didn;t get a good grasp on the enormity of their automotive portfolio from all the far-off

Huh, wha? Where do I plug in my Tomogachi? A social network based on a TV show that’s actually an internet video through a subscription shopping website... Too much for me, I’m tapping out.

If I get your point: they give me tickets because they know I’ll pay, but they don’t bother this “snitch” because it’s only going to cost money to enforce, with no probable $$ payout?

I’m so happy for these photos, because they wouldn’t let us take our phones or cameras (or anything) into the shoot. The episode is epic, but you can’t get the full scope of it from those high-up shots.

This car gets passed by cops daily with no recourse, yet I move to L.A. and get five parking tickets in two months for the goddamn street cleaning? I hate this city sometimes.

The dude’s probably going to televise his own descent into death, interviewing his doctors, his nurses, his catheter, whoever will speak into his mic.

I would suspect it was more like, “hey Colorado, we spend a lot fo money to test here, so don’t give us any reason to pack up and go to Montana.”

Remember they had to introduce the whole show with this episode. Time was taken up by the opening sequence, the montage, explaining the track, introducing the race driver, etc. They of course had to run the “Trinity” test in the first episode, and I suspect it didn’t reach its full potential being squeezed into this

This is the best analogy I’ve heard thus far. They literally took the studio on the road, threw in some huge windows, and bask in the view of a new grand global vista each week.

Hm, any guesses on what this will list for?

People buy full-size Lexus hybrids by the fuckload. This is a brilliant idea, if the price lines up.

I thought they’d be over this by now (disclosure: 2nd gen Prius owner here). I was totally with Clarkson and his Prius rage in the beginning, but then I bought a used Prius with over 100k miles, with easily another 100k in it, and his argument started to fall apart. Not to mention his old “diesels are better anyways”

No, because plenty of democrats—most of them, actually—voted for Bernie in the primaries. You’re still evil, sorry :/

This was my same experience when moving here 6 months ago. The problem is, it’s a great city for cars in that cool ones are all over the roads, yet it’s a terrible city for auto enthusiasts because you have to spend a million dollars to have a house with any sort of room to tinker. Apartment dweller? Well, the streets

The real story is this dude leaving his car in drive, pointed at his house, with the wheel spinning. What if those computers caught up, or a strong gust of wind blew, and that wheel hit pavement?

Maybe he was going downhill...