You backwards Luddites can keep your Chevys, then.
You backwards Luddites can keep your Chevys, then.
That’s just wrong. Sure, you love your truck’s ruggedness, but people like to have a truck and also have a life that may involve a fancy night out, a long road trip, or ferrying an elderly parent to doctor’s appointments. If someone can do all that, and then go to work the next day and haul a thousand pounds of…
I love MINI’s non-minis, they’re such a cool package of fun, eclectic, off-road, whatever. That plug-in hybrid is insanely enticing, and probably the one I’d get. Still, I would rather have one with a stick shift, but I don’t think that’s a reasonable request these days :[ Sad!
Why couldn’t they have put all their time, money, and efforts into just building a reliable, high-tech car that can be produced at a cost that’s actually affordable? This isn’t revolutionizing cars, it’s just making them more complex and solving one problem by adding ten more. It’s like they’re almost admitting, “We…
I assume this woman will want punitive damages, probably to cover the cost of a lifetime of therapy for the whole family.
Godamn, that Cruz RS hatch looks good though. Isn’t an Opel? I wonder if they’ll amp it up to try and compete with the FiST and FoST.
Literally EVERY state thinks the “Tkstate rolling stop” is their hilarious yet frustrating road phenomenon. Some weird fetish for needing to “own” things and identify with them through their state, or whatever. I cringe whenever I hear the phrase.
Haha- chassis grinds to a halt while the cab—and the thieves—careen into the intersection!
I feel like we attribute the muscle cars to the ‘70s in that decade, tons of ‘60s muscle cars were on the road (or in movies and TV, though probably not the star).
So... Why not remove the hunting ban? Or is the fur just not desirable anymore? The environmentalist in me hates the idea, but what else?
I come here for gems like this:
Or he could just make the panel van he uses for these heists super-stoppy.
No more XJs until you finish your dinner!
I totally agree with this. I suspect this guy is gonna end up dumping whatever he buys for A Subaru within a few years. I lived in Alaska for a year and thought I’d die happy if I never saw another Subie or F-150 ever again, but then I lived through the winter...
How easy are the Renegades to find with a stick and 4WD? When they first came out, I thought there was some fatal combination that you had to have to get a manual, like 2WD and the base engine. Has that changed?
You’re a badass, I love the competing automotive mantras Jalopnik’s slipped into lately, it’s super entertaining.
Were these parts used or new? I’m blown away that you got this back in great shape on such a tight budget, but do you think everything’s just going to fail again in a year or so?
Holy shit, you did it! Is that computer essential to any radio, period? Why can;t you just throw a single-din after market Sony in there or something?
But how much will it cost to fix when a rock throws cracks all over it? (Anyone used to driving on Phoenix highways has experienced this at least once. Lived there for a year and all three of my cars got rock’d.)