After Han “Solo”, this is exactly the level of dumb Disney would sink to.
After Han “Solo”, this is exactly the level of dumb Disney would sink to.
the Vietnamese government, asking that Full Metal Jacket be pulled
There’s nothing wrong with Chinatown per se. But once you see the pattern, the “20th Century canon” starts to look a little shaky, its universal truths a little parochial.
And yet. And yet. So much of 20th Century art seems in retrospect to be privileged white men making the point that guys like them are assholes and will always win, and that that’s just the way of things. And at some point you start to think “really”?
Mason and Dixon is a romp!
And for all that’s holy, never take your kids on a helicopter ride.
Is the face as weird as the sentiment of the picture?
When you have a mouth as small as Damian Lewis’s, you need to do gymnastics with it just to pronounce ordinary words. He can only eat through a straw.
So Disney execs: now you know why it takes three years to make a Star Wars film. The extra year is figuring out which of your terrible ideas should never see the light of day.
Also, as your above clip demonstrates, Lucas knew how to film a sunset.
That’s really cool. It didn’t help the overall look of the thing: the worst thing about it for me was the obvious makeup even on the male characters. Perhaps shooting too much on location made the lighting too hard to get right, or perhaps verisimilitude just comes across as ugly on screen. It has a dingy look that is…
With Will, more so than Lyra, the actor/character’s age really struck me. In the books, they’re children, and Dafne Keen can sell her as younger. But Amir Wilson’s voice and size gives him away, he’s a teenager. I’m not sure how well that reconciles with the later stuff about their transition from childhood, or if…
Really enjoyed this. It’s an ugly movie, badly framed and lit (a pattern with this director), and the twists are predictable but the script was funny and the actors game. A solid B-.
He’s now Russell Crowe’s agent.
They thought they were hiring Kevin Feige.
It’s Jack Ryan. He’s a B- character in a B- book series from a B- writer.
Barnard plays the grown up, slightly more hardened version.
In my household, he’s known as Ross “don’t” Douthat.
In my day, a “bad ass” was an immoral donkey, and that’s the way we liked it hrrmph!
When I realized the climax of a certain character’s arc in The Last Jedi was going to involve that ugly brown sunset...