
I read somewhere that Ang Lee himself donned the mocap suit to act out the Hulk’s scenes. And I remember thinking “fuck you, Ang Lee. You have a damn actor for that.”

Sliding Doors split life in two for Gwyneth Paltrow

I watched Jaws tonight. Now that’s a score.

It could have been worse. It could have been The Eagles of Death Metal.

I cannot begin to picture the stirring flag-saluting scene Pete would have worked into that...

Why only report the questions from Democrats? For balance, here’s what the Republican senators wanted to know:

I’m always a bit skeptical of the idea that alien life, if it exists, would be so far out of our experience that it would operate on completely different rules. We’ve found that wherever we look in the universe, the laws of physics as they are on Earth, and as mostly laid out by the middle of the last century, still

Everyone except the one who counts, frozen corpse-like in his cryo-chamber and waiting, forever waiting...

Cast Rachel McAdams. I mean, has she ever played a part that isn’t the love interest of some dude who messes with the timeline?

Yes, socialism is absolutely the worst system, after capitalism, communism, fascism, oligarchy, monarchy and anarchy. Aside from those it’s the very worst!

“Tell them we have our own van!”

“The Scottish Parliament, your drunk relatives...”

Free Kinja with every purchase!

Any two-word title ending in “Wars” (except Star, which is grandfathered-in). Because how many actual wars do you think I’m going to expect to learn about in your fictional entertainment? Can you deliver on that expectation? Then think of something less generic.

I think you’ve hit on the nub of the issue.

It’s a general rule that if you have to put the word “Parody” in the title, you don’t know what parody is.

“transformed into some kind of super being and sent back to Earth, transformed and made into some sort of superman.”

Oh fantastic. At least we’ll find out what Snoke’s mother was called.

No, that really doesn’t work. Anakin’s special nature is the central thing of the first six movies. It’s part of the setup. But even then, he was trained from the age of 8 as a Jedi.

It must be weird for a martial arts-inclined actor getting constantly beaten-up onscreen playing villains while waiting for that big hero role where they finally get to win a fight.