
That twist was one of the better ideas. But this is a Star Wars movie that literally ends with a kid playing with action figures. That’s pretty much the equivalent of a runner doing a twerking victory dance ten yards from the end while everyone else crosses the finish line.

I mostly enjoyed TLJ on first viewing but on reflection, it seems sort of a smug, lecturing movie - more invested in meta-commentary about Star Wars as a phenomenon than any story it had to tell. Far from expanding the Star Wars universe, it felt like everything had shrunk down to a few main characters, isolated from

Not at all. But if you’re an asshole and want to make art, you should be made to suffer for it. Win-win.

I remember BSG, great show! What ever happened to that?

There’s a phrase by the great Dorothy Dunnett that always stuck with me to describe a certain type of self-righteous person: “he’s innocent to all things, including kindness”

I love this show too much. It will get cancelled.

I always wondered why it was called a ‘pantry’!

Star Wars (OG)

“Vote Nixon! What could possibly go wrong?”

Keeping that kind of company is almost enough to make me defend The Last Jedi. Almost.

God of War III was the only game I stopped playing simply because I couldn’t stand to spend another second in the company of the asshole lead character. ‘m not sure I’m willing to give that monumental chump a shot at redemption or growth.

That and he was into vinyl way before it was cool.

So I see it also contains the old myth about Mary Magdalene being the prostitute Jesus saves from stoning, which is, like a lot of conservative christians’ dearly held myths, not in the Bible. I wouldn’t touch this thing with a bargepole.

“Fascist cult”? How dare you! It’s “fascist death cult” to you sir.


For me, just the basic visual dullness of the movie. It was trying to be the Empire of the new trilogy. But Empire was a gorgeous feast of evocative imagery, which lent grandeur to the narrative. TLJ gave us slight variations on older ships and vehicles, a couple of ordinary planets we’d already seen in TFA, Salt

It’s YoYoMa.

Rian Johnson, is that you?

Well who the hell else would have left that giant green empty pod oozing slime over my bedroom floor!

I speak for humourless obsessives everywhere when I say Pfffffffftttt!