
So this has actors named Orlando Bloom and Cara Delevingne, and you’re making fun of the character names...?

I love the way he signed the letter too:

He's more of an "a".
"Larry", a "cable"… "guy".

Wow Jim Carrey has really let himself go.

In fairness, he looks like he's about to get his lunch money stolen by a model, which I would be totally ok with.

Such a missed opportunity to make a young adult version of I Am Legend.

clean-shaven, naturally…
And if anything, Face/Off is the quintessential 90's movie, where the protagonists shave off not only their beards, but their actual faces!

How about we say that the map of Mordor is particularly sketchy because it's bloody Mordor and no cartographer would have been dumb enough to get close enough to wander round it with a theodolyte. Would that work?

Weirdly though, before the LotR movies and Pirates of the Caribbean, Hollywood was super-reluctant to ever let the main characters speak with non-US accents. In Dragonslayer, the hero talked good American, and in Willow, Warwick Davis put on a transatlantic kind of thing. I think the international movie market

the stretches when it’s been engaged in call-and-response with the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s big-screen output
I think it could be better described as call-and-…

… chirp chirp…

I'll forgive anything as long as somewhere in the movie Roland says "I'm looking for the man in black", and someone responds "erm… you're wearing black."

Oh, you and your, your… facts!

If Littlefinger were a real person in the modern world, he'd be a petty, power-hungry fellow, obsessed by old grudges and perceived slights, who exploits and objectifies women, lies constantly, and has tiny, stubby fingers.

You're surely thinking of Vegans?

I don't see the problem if the dog identifies as male.

I'm pretty sure he's doing panto in North West England.

See I tried to get work as a "dominator", and the only offers were for jobs as an evil space-lord.

Doctor wha…?

"Comedies ftw yo!"

I like toast.