Does he just, erm, peck at his food?
Does he just, erm, peck at his food?
If your star-shaped floor painting has the right number of points, you can force Satan to do pretty much anything!
No, the water buffalo is how they put the hairs on. Nineteen million of them. It's the next step in movie magic!
Given that the Holocaust was kept secret by Hitler’s government until it was exposed at the end of the war, it follows that most of the millions of actual, card-carrying Nazis, were unaware of it and might not have completely approved of the methods, however much they shared their government’s goals. So the bar for…
I hate those asshole Libertarians, always shushing me when I talk too loud in the libertary.
I thought he was best known for being more realistic in CGI.
Oh I don't know, he could play Bilbo Baggins in the American remake of The Hobbit…?
Oh yes, the 2% beer. You literally (not figuratively but literally) cannot buy anything stronger past 6pm in the shops. Because Iceland’s politicians are well aware that if they allowed it, that place would turn into a hellhole of alcoholism. They know their people, they know them well.
Star Wars’ Emperor Palpatine was initially called Cos Dashit…
…and in an early draft, the villain in The Force Awakens was going to be called "Snoke".
This is the model for pretty much everything that happens to passengers between entering an airport and boarding the plane.
Oh give the man his knighthood. He did win the World Cup after all...
Mmmm now, policy considerations aside, one would be hard pushed to claim that George H. W. Bush was unqualified for high office. Splitting the difference between him and Bill Clinton seems quaintly acceptable.
Equal mockery a-la South Park, or a ratio of two to one?
The whole point of "Douche v. Turd" is the kind of posturing split-the-difference too-cool-for-school false equivalency bullshit purveyed by the likes of CNN, the New York Times, NBC, ABC, CBC and the BBC. Sometimes, one side is actually worse, and one better. But that's a risky stand to take, and South Park has…
Ah the heady days of "6 days ago", when people could agree that torture is unpleasant. Memories.
“a geneticist with a moral streak"
well, this is fiction I suppose…
He won’t run for a second term, come what may. Every year he spends in the White House is a year he can’t fully exploit his presidential status to try to finally become the billionaire he always claimed to be. If he leaves it too long, he’ll die poorer than his father, and that would be the worst ignominy.
So a kid and a pedophile…
It's hot, it's fizzy, it's chocolaty.