
Aw yeah, he's still got it!

That's what an Amish punk rocker looks like.

seems to have been written for Michael Dudikoff or Michael Paré circa the early to mid 1990s
Alright alright, I'll see the damn movie! You're laying it on with a trowel here.

Yep, still looks great!

Was it the sexism?

That's right if you're talking about British shows on the BBC. Once you subtract the ads, US shows, drama = 40 minutes, comedy = 20.

This sounds less like an A-list Hollywood disaster film than a C-list airport novel, with the name of a famous old hack on the cover, but ghost-written by someone else.

Ah well, at age 66 he's now almost old enough to play the young Tom Waits in that long-awaited biopic.

Reading the headline, I thought: "a Skrillex CD?"

Graceland has its fans. They're wrong.

Ah yes, the White Stripes - one of those pairs, like Simon and Garfunkel, where everyone seems convinced of where the talent lies, but said talent doesn't seem to produce anything decent outside of the duo. Take the hint, Jack.

And You Should be Too.

short-lived and underappreciated series… Revolution

Sounds pricy.

Like that awful director who's making Star Wars 8?

God I hate these "oh-oh-oh-oh" banjo bands.

Is that the collective noun for Train songs? I thought it was "a human centipede".

A baby with a strangely deformed head though. Does no-one else see that thing?

It's "forewords from Malala Yousafzai and Kylie Minogue", not "forwards".
Aren't I annoying!

Surely Batman vs Superman?