ok but you've seen the other triplet Aneurin Barnard right?
ok but you've seen the other triplet Aneurin Barnard right?
Most of that is tracking code and ads.
They could have made a good John Carter movie, but chose not to. Or they just didn't have a clue, and these guys are to be trusted with Star Wars?
You mean 150 years/6178 years, heretic!
But wouldn't that be a great twist for Season 37 or whatever of Home and Away… not that Australia isn't post-apocalyptic enough already…
Bradley James is certainly making a career out of playing characters who supposedly have a big future ahead of them that never quite arrives…
I keep forgetting John Carpenter made Halloween, it seems to fit so completely into the slasher genre (however much it may have helped to create that genre), whereas most the rest of his work stands as a distinctive oeuvre.
In fairness, I think he was actually an immortal Asgardian bricklayer.
Sorry no, even then you'd cast bloody anyone but Peter MacNicol.
They're maybe missing a trick holding off on that Matlock reboot…
Which reminds me I just saw another
Let's overturn Batman v. Superman first, it's not settled law!
In the 15th century, hoodies were called "hoods".
The only direction Ted will be slouching this November is back home to Canada, leaving a slime trail.
And yet he looks more like a "Gargamel".
Explains the low population!
Ah those were the days for UK-based singer-songwriters. Of course now we have Ed Sheeran, who actually does look like a boy that someone didn't draw very well.
I thought Xenu was the bad guy. Hey, does that mean Ribisi's the Scientological equivalent of a Satanist? And if that doesn't exist, let's make it happen, if only to make Tom Cruise angry.
That's not a goth, it's an actual vampire.
See this is why I preferred Michael Caine's Alfred - he's only a standard-issue rich, tax-shy right-winger!
Oh they did. But now he's played by Hayden Christensen.