Times up, time to leave!

Good comment. Speaking for me, I’m just feeling bummed lately. I don’t think it’s representative of a change in direction, there’s just a lot of bad shit happening right now.

I’m not spending $30K on any 15 year old German car unless it has the engine in the back or 12 cylinders up front.

XL would eventually have carried Canadian tar sands contaminated oil to refineries in Texas before being shipped off-shore as it hasn’t any use in the US.

The Xl Pipeline was less than 10% completed and nowhere near ready to actually send any oil. In fact it was years from being made operational. Hence there was no oil from it in the first place and no means to configure it into the current supply.

I for one welcome $105/barrel oil. Reliance on a scarce commodity that adversaries control is idiotic. You’re always under the jackboot. Moving to electricity (generated by renewable resources, nuclear, hydrogen, etc) is the way to go to free Americans from that reliance. It’d also get all these asinine godforsaken

You continue to think Trump capitulated to Putin, but it’s the other way a around.”

Jalopnik talks about boats, planes, helicopters, trains, trucks, tanks... just about anything with a motor. This is interesting content that I frankly wasn’t really that aware of. I’m not sure what your beef is. 

call me when it shows an emergency flight from mar a lago to moscow.  some sort of asylum trip.

I’m fairly sure one day I’ll end up writing:

My Wife And I Own A Couple Of Dozen Cars, The City Isn’t Happy About It

Its the final death throes of a group of people who recognize they're becoming completely irrelevant and obsolete.  They just want to scream into the wind one last time before they're put out to pasture.

Reading about this complete fuckwad’s complete failure was some much needed humor and catharsis. 

They’re not sending their best”

Sure, these bold patriots were ready to roll against tryanny (sic). Surely their nalenable (sic-cer) capacity to demonstrate what they stood for was not to be denied.

Man talk about cookie cutter real estate.  BLEH!

Eh, its more of a Shelbyville idea, anyway.

None of this is at all surprising. They’re trying to build Gilead, complete with a “Lol, women are things.” mindset.

“The contraceptive mentality is what fuels the bloodthirsty abortion industry in our country.”

I wonder which GOP fuck will publicly say that Loving v Virginia was incorrectly ruled and marriage between the races should be a state’s rights issue? Because we all know it’s coming — and probably before the 2024 election.

Good thing it’s sarcasm.