Times up, time to leave!

“They’re micro-waving people’s brains,” one user wrote, responding to a TruckersForFreedom post promising a “very lucrative work from home partnership” with an Oregon-based company that sells “anti-radiation stickers” for cellphones.”

I’m feeling it for these guys. Fires here have been burning a week now, and last night we had massive thunderstorms ripping through just east of us that set off another 26 fires. Two more towns now have lost homes in these new blazes, they spread so fast there was nothing that could be done.

A ZIL, fucking awesome.

The paddles seem silly, the power take off from the crank is right there in the correct position to drive a propeller.

This is just FAKE NEWS because everyone knows defense contractors are the most honest people who care deeply about all other people and fluffy bunnies and unicorns and everything.

It’s pretty clever really, when you consider the truckers want to end “man dates”...

I kinda dig it, but $29k? Fuck.

While converted to automatic, the Wagon still sports its clutch pedal and a tall shifter to mimic the original manual style. That’s a nice touch.”

C’mon, everyone knows the real bumper was the spare just inside the hood. The chrome thing curving around the front was for drying your onions and garlic on. 

Reagan really did throw the entire US public under a bus.

Seems like Apple are just digging themselves a deeper and deeper hole. Every time they release some new “fix” and acknowledge that there is a problem, they A: Acknowledge that there IS a problem. And B: Apply a bandaid which fails to fix the underlying problem.

It was so funny, the day after this was announced I had to go to the local pharmacy for something and it was packed. I asked the woman who served me, “are all these guys here for a jab?” she nodded and smiled. 

Just awesome.

It’s interesting to conflate the Jalop story about the Tesla roadster with this one.

That’s really odd, I find that after a set of 114 ESPRESSO’s I get the wobbles too!

Look it’s fine. Just dump the suspiciously squishy, large, black plastic wrapped package in the trunk somewhere and you’re golden! 

“There’s no point acting all surprised about it. All the planning charts and demolition orders have been on display in your local planning
department in Alpha Centauri for fifty of your Earth years, so you’ve had plenty of time to lodge any formal complaint and it’s far too late to start
making a fuss about it

Worth repeating.

First thing my dad said to me when I started learning to drive, “Assume everyone else on the road is an idiot.”

This kind of shit is exactly why it’s becoming more and more obvious that the dark ages have truly returned.