This reminds me of people who try and say “its like having your cake and eating it too” but get it wrong and say “its like getting both cakes”.
This reminds me of people who try and say “its like having your cake and eating it too” but get it wrong and say “its like getting both cakes”.
Ive been a subscriber of MOTD since day one, and I can agree, the Roadkill show is kinda slowing down, how ever. There is Roadkill Garage which is pure gold, and Hot Rod Garage is worth your time.
Between 91 and 95, our block had an 1988 M5, a 94 Vigor, 87 RX7, and a 94 Legend coupe. That M5 was reportedly the only one in Saskatchewan at the time. The Vigor was replaced by 1977 Lincoln Continental in 98. Our block was on point.
This is great Honda. My first car was an 86 Accord hatchback, and I remember it fondly. I would love an Accord Aero Deck.
That is pretty cool, you should check out, more of a fun account, no photoshop/movie-esque scenes, but worth checking out.
The Bessa cameras are one of the many camera bodies I search for on the regular. I shoot Pentax now, and I just found a mint condition motor drive for my Super Program for 10 bones. I also am planning to try and shoot race/drift events with film. I always find it more rewarding to get the good shot on film, and the…
Either that pass on the big straight at the 24 of Nurburging, or my first media pass for a race event to take photos. Just me, a manual lens, a manual camera, and a tonne of sweet drift cars. Got lots of tire bits in my teeth, and some great shots too!
Slow cooker pullled pork in A+W root beer, bulls eye, and some water was my go too. Dr Pepper also works.
I was a Earls chef for many years, their ceaser is good, but run of the mill. You would be missing out on not trying them elsewhere. And ask for gin instead, spicy, with pickled asparagus.
Its also a thing here in Canada for bars and restaurants to add as much crap on skewers to the drink as possible. Wurst in Calgary used to put a charcuterie board on sticks in one. I’ve seen them with corndogs, burgers, whole sausages, anything and everything. And also, hot sauce and pickled things are required, and…
Cfl fields are 110 yards, if the end zone is at the 10 yard line, that makes it a 90 yard field.
I heard he is training to be a champion Mario Karter.
This brings me hope, as people keep trying to trade things like this for my minty 93 Acura Vigor. The most recent was a 2001 Audi A8L, which I reluctantly declined.
*Art conversation inbound... Abstract art is the wrong descriptor/label for this. This has clear intent and likeness.
This is list made by plebs. No munster, no oka, and how in the un-godly hell could leave out Cambozola?! Also, what the Richard Cheese?
No perorgis?! Seriously people, wtf.
First, A&W is a good fast food chain here in Canada, but it also the most expensive, by a sizable amount. Second, how could you not mention the onion rings, who the toot goes to A&W and does not get rangs. Third, Beyond burger, I do not know if that is Canada specific, but meatless veggie burger that is actually good.…
Thanks, and yeah, it gets cold here. That was one of my last trips working in oil and gas, and on the way up to Wood Buffalo, the truck’s thermometer read -67.5c driving up the #63. Pretty sure it was colder than that, diesels wont warm up after -40c, but even the transmission temp was reading as if it was frozen…
Long story, and technically I did not see it the mind boggling feat, but I will never forget seeing that RG in my side view mirror on Sunday, November 24th, 2013.