Thomas Romain is a terrific artist working in the anime industry in Tokyo. Previously, he showed how to draw…
Thomas Romain is a terrific artist working in the anime industry in Tokyo. Previously, he showed how to draw…
Three years ago, a handful of leaked design documents revealed an early version of Arkane Austin’s vision for Prey,…
Good point. That’s why this year’s multiplayer will let you die once — then you’ll never be able to play again.
My nephew tried this, but apparently a hero who controls butts is not within the scope of their “artistic design”.
A brick wall, sure. There’s a little something in the middle there, a grey rock or a gap or a smudge or... it kind…
If you love playing as white dudes...we’ve got ya covered
Frank Castle’s been around for more than 40 years and, like most comic-book characters, has evolved over the course…
A group of artists over on CG+, many of them professionals working in video games, have for the past few months been…
I miss Xplay :/
I went to a school in a redneck town that borders a mid size city, and we competed against city schools. Opposing students would throw corn at us, which I thought was terrific.
With The Dark Knight Rises and The Avengers posting record performances at cinemaplexes, it can be easy to forget…
Dunkey is both better and worse than you at Metal Gear Solid V.
People like going to clubs and watching people tell jokes on stage. What’s next? People will watch video of people who go to clubs to watch people tell jokes on a stage? When will it end? .... ....
Ramen in Shibuya. Tokyo, Japan. By Michael Shaffer.
Everyone clicked on this because they thought they were gonna see a nip slip