
MOTHER its not a series that needs to continue forever, It closes pretty well on No 3, just like Back to the Future does it to and Terminator did on No 2 (And look what happend to that) sequels for the saque of sequels are not always needed.

My gaming comic for this week

So, Cloud got into Smash Brothers but not into Play Station all Stars? Sony really didn’t care much for that game.

I dont think all the kickstarters toguether could fund a Kojima Game.

I love the Crystal Chronicles series. I only played the GC one (had all the stuff to play it multiplayer and two brothers, it was amazing) and the Wii one (enjoyable but weird) Wish they made another one similar to the first.

I had never played any RPG´s during the Nes, Snes era. It was Super Mario RPG the game that made me say “man Im going to buy the next Final Fantasy, I like RPG´s” just to find the betrayal... I looked into magazines to see which other RPG´s were coming for the N64 and saw one called “Earthbound 64” the waiting game

I will post some of my stuff:

Isn´t the battletoads present in the collection the arcade one? that game hasn´t been ported to a console before

His programing skills saved Earthbound from being cancelled, he also contributed to Pokémon (another game with a troubled development), the original Smash 64 was co created between him and Sakurai. There , to me those are the three more influential games that wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for him. Also, the first game

I was going to post this as an objection, thanks for doing it first!

Yep! it cost money , quite a lot of money. but you dont have to buy it, the base game already has 52 characters.

Its a lame joke, I get it but the execution leaves to be desired.

That became Paper Mario

I should do it, what are you waiting DC, hire me...

An Jar-jar was instrumental on bringing down the republic.