

Why are the raptors naked? do developers and gamers turn on on shooting naked dinosaurs?

More than contractual, BUGS, (and the fact that there is no N64 virtual console right now)

The only thing I don't like, is how the 3D terrain clashes with the great 2d designs, In the music video the characters fit beautifully on those 2d backgrounds, if only they could rework the textures from the land to fit better on the aesthetic (but still Im supporting this loved the original on the genesis and

I haven´t watched it yet, but guessing from these guys past works it talks about T-rexes penises

As far as I know, Pewdiepie has never made a Nintendo related video. and sure idie games need the exposure from youtubers, and I think Nintendo will need in the future to survive, but right now they dont.

And George actually looks like something this time, unlike the mishmash of polygons from the original game (first time I actually notice the increased polygon count on those games)

I don´t know, the kingstone mechanic killed the Minish Cap for me. what used to be one step to get a treasure (open the chest) is now three steps (get the matching kingstone, travel to where the treasure appears, open the chest) unnecessary padding to the worst. To me the best portable Zelda (and probably the best

So, Its Bayonetta 2 all over again? Im not much into the story of Street Fighter V it looks nice, but didn´t know Sony funded it.

Diddy Kong was on Mario Kart Double Dash and Mario Kart Wii (and many other sport games) this is the first Console Mario Kart he misses since the Gamecube (same thing with Bowser Jr.)

Hey look! its Nostalgia Critic favorite prop!

Mario´s parents seemed also quite surprised when they got the babies, so I guess its not something you see 9 months before in this universe.

Remember that in the Mushroom kingdom, the stork delivers the babies, so its quite probably some morning it just delivered Jr. to Bowser.

My bet is on Flurrie

Without Goku, Arale would had reigned as the most powerfull being on Earth

Saw it coming, that the reason I prefer to play with the gamepad on Brawl (smash killed several of my gamecube crontrolers)

And I am sitting on relesed Ubisoft games, they are actually quite uncomfortable.

I had watched it, its a pretty good show, but at least the episodes I see felt to much like "meet this new character designed to sell toys" (and I just can`t get past the Human characters designs on that show, but the turtles look great) my favorite incarnation was the 2003 one, it does feature some of my favorite