
More like Dreamworks face.

I will call him Fabuldorf...

Agree, Im a Kid of the 80´s but the 2003 version was vastly superior.

Im still more intrigued about what was doing a Rayman Trophy on today´s screenshot of the day.

This july 27 its MOTHER 25 aniversary, my bet its that any Character earthbound related will be relealed around that date.

That would be way to dificult to do since the game is 2D. All the bouncing had to be planed an hand drawn.

In the future I would love for Nintendo to release just one console, one that could both be played on the TV and on the road, that way they wouldn´t have to spread their development teams on both consoles, which is what I think hurts them more (an the main reason why I dont want them going multiplataform, they dont

I think thats because they also have custom movesets, I bet that some time after release someone is going to find the perfect overpowered moveset combination for a Mii. So they better ban them before hand (they are also not allowing custom movesets for other characters online, I bet for the same reasons)

Seems like you forgot (or didn´t play) Earthbound, Nearly the beginning of the game he joins your party and not only does nothing, can actually be counterproductive to your battle.

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Conker and Banjo do not appear on DKR DS they removed them because they now belong to Microsoft and replaced them with Dixie and Tiny Kong

I thought this game was already out... I watched a playtrough of it on Youtube!!!

I would like to make that experiment, print a picture of Pacman and a picture of Sora, go out an ask some random kids who that character is...

Believe me they are still there, earlier today I had been reading people complaining of Link´s new look, Splatoon being for children and the Lack of a Starfox game (latter confirmed) Nintendo is never going to please its hatters.

Its because its anime, havent seen an anime that is not balantly sexualized.

If you are making a dog talk,it should do it like this

Well, you should have (So should I)

But those are Games mostly played by grownup gamers, I don´t know who Nintendo was aiming to sell Tomodachi, but being considered the "Disney" of videogams, lots of moral guardians would have made a mess of the media if they found that "Family Friendly" Nintendo is now "Promoting" Gay weddings on their games. They

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Meet Chaneques, And I am pretty sure there are many more.