
But then every one else gave this pretty good reviews, I would say Gamespot its the exception here.

I can live with that

I like Command and we had a remake of Starfox 64 on the 3DS, sure we couldget more Starfox games, but thats nothing copared to the lack of love for F-Zero, Advance Wars or Star Tropics.

While I totally agree with your opinion, Prime Hunters wasn´t done by Retro, it was done by NST.

NO please! Nintendo, take your time, I dot want a rushed Smash like Melee,give me a strong full of features title like brawl.

I complain that they spreadthe series to thin among almost every sistem imaginable,that makes it har to follow and its inexcusable for a story driven lore heavy series like this.

This guy is good, great work I can bet he is already working for some studio. Now the design itself, I dont like it, lots of shapes here and there with no aparent reason. I always liked how Samus suit seemed to be some kind of holy artifact more than an industrial mass produced suit.

Yep, something like Carl from Blastblue or Miss Fortune from Skullgirls.

How about actually a daughter for Mario (like how his Hylian counterpart has Malon)

I will put it some other way, its easier for Nintendo to ad first party characters, third party ones usually involve plenty of copyright, royalties and some red tape to get trough before getting them on the game (Sakurai said that even getting Pokémon in smash was complicated). Besides that I would like Belmont in

Metal Gear started on the MSX, then it was ported to the Nes (a port in which Kojima had no participation)

I actually dont feel Snake belongs on SSB, he was a PSX Character and thats where he belongs.

You are not hipped for Megaman?? you are a strange man.

These guys...

This was exactly what I expected them to show, Why do all of you expected more?

Everybody loves Raymond

They just keep using Kratos and the Sack Boys.

No one seems ever to mention thatn this would be terrible for Nintendo Fans, because now they must buy several consoles to get all their favorite games, just look at Sonic fans, no mater wich system they buy, they lost some games. Or even worst, look at Kingdom Hearts or Castelvania fans, they have to buy every system

Well, I own a Wii U and a 360, whenever I can I like to suport, buy the games on Wii U, its just more confortable to play for me (my 360, since it lacks Wifi its not online, so I have to move it to another room every time I want ot buy DLC or play online (Also online play on 360 costs, on the Wii U it doesnt), I was

Can American McGee do something else that making grim bloody versions of Fairy Tales? at least Tim Burton does original stuff from time to time, he seems like a one Trick Pony.