
Sorry if I am confused... Are you saying that RARE was going bankrupt when Microsoft boutght them? Or are you talking about Double Helix. Because in the case of Rare thats false. They were one of the most succesfull stories on the N64, they just were greedy and wanted to get out of their Nintendo exclusivity. If you

I want the Wii U version...

Yes I can picture both Dillon and X (Xenoblade) having a character and stage in the next Smash. Pushmo maybe a stage, they are so Nintendo franchises that Dillon has a Puzzle swap puzzle and a Xenoblade one is comming.

I will give everything for Alphadream making their next game for the Wii U (and since they are already using 3D, this might actually be a possibility.

I Think it goes like this in terms of quality : Bowser Inside Story > Super Star Saga >Paper Mario > Partners in Time > Thousand Year Door > Mario RPG > Super Paper Mario > Sticker Star. And I think they all are good games, but Mario RPG is hardly the best, Thousand Year door, Partners in time and Super Paper Mario

Thats silly! the game came first on the Wii, and everyone had one of those, so no one trick them to buy a Wii U.

But then Nintendo would spread their franchises across all the other plataforms! and I would have to buy them all or pass some of their games (just like I see Kingdom hearts fans, Sonic fans and Castelvania fans doing) I want my Nintendo games in just one plataform Tank you (Its enough that I have to buy a portable

Well, the main reason why I still buy Nintendo games and systems its because they dont pursue Realism, I find it fresh in a industrie were every one else does it.

That way we can have a Captain N reunion at least.

Bill Gates, you dont count

I didn´t notice the boobs until everyone pointed them out (was to annoyed as to why give a gorgeous 2D game a 3D trailer) I failed the gay test.

I hope its wireless, because thats the reason my 360 its not connected while my Wii is

I say Nintendo, take away this developer development kit and give it to me I can give it some use.

People do complain that Nintendo uses Mario to Much (and as far as I remember the complain with Halo its not that Microsoft uses it to much, its that Microsoft doesn't have anything besides Halo)

The team that made SMRPG left Square long time ago, and they had been making the Mario&Luigi games the first game even had the same music composer and a cameo from Geno.

Not really mad for it going multi platform, Origins originally was going to be a "digital only Xbox exclusive title" ,it actually was one of the reasons why I bought an Xbox, even if eventually I ended buying it on the Wii, (as I already got 4 controlers for it) But delaying this 7 months its what puzzles me, 7 monts

Does this game has the original 2d cutscenes done by Studio Ghibly? somehow I find it unsetling to have them redone in 3D, they lose quite the charm.

This is old RARE school of character design.

I hope that Sumo Digital gets Sega backup to do this at some point, just please dont exclude Vectorman, Segata or Ristar from this.

Fewer comics thhis week uh! as I said past week, enjoy mine while its sort of videogame related: