Ruthlessly Absurd

No. She's an excellent actress. The Impossible is an awesome movie

If you have watched any movies or read any books, or just listened to Paradise by the Dashboard Light, surely you have noticed that courtship in America in the 1950s often involved the boy attempting to get the girl to have sex with him, and the girl resisting. This of course being a largely pre-birth control time,

No it doesn't. Please point out the lyrics where it does.

Actually I think Funny Games neatly sidesteps the "reveling" argument by showing virtually no actual violence

Yeah same here I'm a bit hamstrung by the fact that I haven't seen the film in question

*Reads first few paragraphs* Ahhhhhh Grease 2 fits in better with 2017's liberal politics. That makes so much sense.

While I am less likely than you to defend the mid-80s Friday the 13th movies, I take your point. Watching cruelty and violence, realistically depicted, happen to people without somehow commenting on it or criticizing it is pointless, and why the phrase "torture porn" came about (even if it was later overused). This

I get what you mean. I sometimes get a bit annoyed that we still keep rape behind the glass of "break only in event of an emergency" for movies, and would be pretty — and rightfully — disturbed by a movie in which a central character went around raping people, but have few such problems with murder and torture

Agreed. Blue/orange seems to be more of thing for big, CG-heavy productions

"And so your potential enjoyment of—or repulsion for—Killing Ground comes down to what you want to experience in a horror movie. Granted, all this elaborately constructed savagery is upsetting, so the film succeeds on that level."

Other than Chinatown, perhaps

Well not all of us were there and since everyone is being very civil, I see no issue

Exactly! "I clearly dig you, James Mason, in a love-that-dare-not-speak-its-name sort of way"

I like his subtly gay villain. Very 1950s in a fun way

Yeah seriously, he made Match Point.

It doesn't make you "not a good person." I'm Jewish, and if I had to hold all the artist's crimes against the art, I wouldn't be able to enjoy virtually anything made more than 100 years ago. But Ride of the Valkyries is a great piece of music even if Wagner was a giant asshole, and hey, I drove a Ford at one point

But will she smear Lyndon Johnson in this movie? Only time will tell

I completely agree! But the internet doesn't

"Narrative" doesn't mean social commentary, silly. I love the narrative.

If direction, characterization, acting and tension are "secondary and minor vestiges" (not sure 'vestige' is the word you mean btw) and "technical considerations," then you shouldn't be watching movies. You should just read political tracts