Ruthlessly Absurd

Not sure how this in any way responds to my last point. My point is, a movie should not be judged by the criteria of "Does it share my politics or not?"

It certainly can. But films are not Youtube comments: they do not deserve up or down votes based simply on whether they share our politics. Lady Macbeth is a great film on a number of levels, but in the Year of Our Lord 2017 the only ones that matter are the fact that it "engages with multiple forms of oppression"

I don't think it lacks commentary — necessarily — I think that what it has is a very minor reason the movie is good.

I am not denying that the movie has aspects of social commentary. What I am criticizing is the idea that they are THE reason it is good. Movie commentary is moving far too much into "The movie shares and effectively represents my politics, and therefore I like it!" and vice versa. This I reject

I saw this in Spain — it's fantastic and will absolutely occupy a spot in my EOY Top 10. But, Jesus, can't anything just be good because it's a good, well-made movie anymore?

I thought the movie was a bit overrated too, but movies are not good nor bad based on the amount of screentime they give women and/or minorities.

Radar Love is criminally underused in the film. Maybe 20 seconds

Nice review, I.V. Always like reading what you have to write

It's weird that this was inaccurate and dated upon its release, let alone now

I'm intrigued simply based on how much I liked Snowpiercer

Note: does not apply if you are Shia LaBeouf

Who everyone who works with seems to like? He's not exactly Kubrick

Wow he comes off as such a fun guy. Great interview, even if I think we all wanted more on Terminator and Aliens

"But I would argue Jenkins’ film has its own share of Steve Trevor problems."

Someone needs to bone up on classic American short stories. The true jerkface is your 9th grade English teacher

Well I don't think anything made this movie great. And I say that as someone who liked the movie well enough. But "greatness" is rarely, if ever, found in superhero origin stories and this one was no exception. So if anything, I'd like to see a thinkpiece about how an interesting character and performance are yet

Even allowing for the fact that comedy trailers often pick the worst stuff to use, it was dire

Involuntary manslaughter I'd reckon

Agreed. Her performance in the trailer was jaw-droppingly bad

Well I suppose gender equality means women get to make their ill-advised death-at-a-bachelor(ette) party comedies too. So that's a victory in its own way I guess? But I think I'd prefer the female 12 Angry (Wo)Men that I have drawn up in my head to the unasked-for female Very Bad Things