
Yes, there are far-right assholes in Germany and I find that particularly disturbing given our history (although, as you must know if you live in Germany, the anti-far-right protesters are present in larger numbers). The far-right parties in other EU states have been making even greater strides, which is also awful.

Thanks for your comment and I agree with what you are saying. As a German I can assure you that no-one has forgotten or wants to forget what happened 70 years ago (our 9th grade class trip was to a concentration camp - not an experience you quickly gloss over).

Your comment that a train car that is offered optionally for women reminds you of the holocaust is quite offensive.

It’s incredible to me that Germany, which has opened its borders to refugees more than any other country (over 1 million in 2015 alone), is now being accused in comments here and elsewhere of fascist behavior simply because they a small rail company is introducing women-only compartments. Do people commenting here