
But I wouldn’t have bothered to watch a video of a dune buggy driving on dunes.

No, we really really don’t. The vast majority don’t give a crap one way or the other (I certainly don’t). That said, there is unfortunately a vocal minority on both sides of this issue (see said looters above) and the whole thing goes to shit. This BLM thing ticks me off mostly becuase these “peaceful” protests keep

Shit ain’t going over any ledge, if perhaps it was an amazing turn out of people somehow being utterly peaceful, and showing that they understand solidarity, maybe...., but no, too much looting, and violence, most the country is not behind this, and cannot ignore that.

Another note: Univision really should consider resurrecting Gawker, even if under another name.

I saw the post and I was like, “IS DOUG BACK?!”

Yes we all miss Tyler.

It’s really the post-Tyler world. Tyler was FA. Everything since has been pretty obvious attempts to figure out how to be like him...

I’d argue it’s the post-Tyler world.

I’m all for doing your own thing, but I can’t even with this car.

Ocean’s 14: Divorced Dad Hangout

Makes sense, she can’t stay with someone for too long. Otherwise they start asking questions about how she never ages and needs permission to enter people’s homes.

You mean you don’t like paying $5000 for a rusted hulk that somewhat resembles a Jeep?

Dents add character to an offroad vehicle. And unlike steel, once the paint’s scratched off, Aluminum won’t rust away. So I say bring on the Aluminum.

Anybody else finding themselves sighing frequently, not enjoying things, like ice cream, as much, constantly feeling on the verge of unexpected violent tears? Anyone else get queasy when they turn on the news, cynical when they open their Facebook and wary when strangers start talking in a doctor’s waiting room that is nothing. She’s made a mountain out of a molehill. Hell, I’ve had worse banter than this with the females in my office, and THEY started it. No, this is someone being super touchy and looking for an excuse. The guy apologized, and she still went off on a tirade. I’m not defending apple, or their employees,

Low carbon steel, if not just iron. Can be sharpened to a very fine edge, but won’t hold that edge for crap.

Yeah but even a beat up 458 will be more fun than a Civic. The good thing about the rental is that you can just laugh at the check engine light and just do burnouts until you have to give it back.

Why buy a question mark when you can just skip punctuation for free?