Im ordering this book rn. thanks for the link! looks super interesting.
Im ordering this book rn. thanks for the link! looks super interesting.
this man is a bonafide bad ass though.
Hell yeah wes. this is a much much better list for the modern man.
i just asked the aloha snackbar question myself. i guess if its the equivalent of “oh my god” or “holy shit” then i get it. it doesnt ever feel that way because of the tone though.
does aloha snackbar get annoying to anyone else? Im especially curious about arabic speakers, like if youre talking to a friend or whatever, is that really said ever 3 words like in all these freaking videos?
Right? i still fuck around the park now and then, i recall seing fronts and thinking “that doesnt make any god damn sense.” this is bannanannananananananas
i personally love woodland, i wouldnt mind seeing more of it.
This is incredible. i carry a juice every day, and i cant imagine not having it. its indispensable at work. I also have a kick, and an original supertool. I love hearing stories like this.
Ill put money on the fact that this thing is fine and drives no issue.
DO IT!!!!!!
I alwyas hear “yeah itll work but people with think im a dude”. haha I am seriously glad you posted this, Im loving the options folks are suggesting. Christmas is going to be awesome this year!
jesus dude i feel this, my wife is 5’11” and everything is short or huge.
well thats because delta doesnt exist;)
Granted ive not seen this movie since i was six when it came out. but holy shit, the reason this dude hated and wanted to kill them was because he thought esmeralda was hot and wanted to fuck her and thats not very christian?! that is bannanas!
Oh my god, they are amazzing for road trips. my buddy had one and god damn it has couches for seats, its so fucking smooth on the road too. idk if it was fast, but it was so nice to ride in.
this movie is fucking gold. opening ski scene is amazing.
his eyes say “this mother fucker..........”
in which it would be amazing but for hunting it would be even better. ive shot this and im telling you dude, i wish all my guns were suppressed.
oh come on the only mp thing on it is the frame.
Honestly the suppressor is a wonderful invention and i have no idea (aside from movies) why its illegal. it saves your ears. we muffle our cars, why cant i muffle my guns? Honestly ive yet to hear an answer that isnt some “because spys and james bond” kind of crap.